Reviews for Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
UnchartedDreams chapter 1 . 3/21/2017
- reads fanfic-
- finishes fanfic-
- stands up -
- walks to kitchen-
- drinks some water-
- lies down on bed-
- tries hard not to fangirl -
- proceeds to fangirl intensely-
- coughes-

... Anyway. Onto the review. XD

First of all, I have to say that I'm the same as you when it comes to Symbionic Titan. As or least, similar. I watched the show when i was... twelve I believe? Something like that. What I know was that I was in middle school, and going through a pretty depressive preteen phase ala Holden Caulfield, so when I stumbled across this show, I quickly got obsessed with it. Needless to say, my preteen heart was shattered upon hearing it was cancelled. It didn't help that afterwards it was replaced with a shoe about a walking poop and a cyborg mutant thing. What was it called again? Problem Solverz? Yeah... good job, CN. Cause we don't already have enough walking turds on this planet -looks at Donald trump- erm, getting off topic now. This review ain't about politics, erm.

In any case, how does one cancel such a good show like that, and only after one season?! I mean, C'mon... Needless to say, the thing I liked the most about the show was the relationship between Lance and Ilana. Now, I'm sure their relationship would have been explored more deeply, had the show not been cancelled prematurely, but for what we got, I think the friendship they shared was one of the most engaging aspects of the show... (or, maybe that's just the shipper in me talking. XD)

Eiher way, like you, this show holds a lot of nostalgia for me. That being said, the way you wrote the time spent together between Lance and Ilana after being on the run for so long is spot-on.

I think it's fair that to say that during that time, Ilana and Lance ehem got probably "closer" as a result of all that (I mean, c'mon Genndy...if having Ilana walk blantantly in a skimpy bath towel in front of Lance like no one's business isn't obvious, then I don't know what is.) so I'm glad that you built upon it with this fic.

The characters act, well, in character completely. Ilana is understandably a nervous wreck after everything that's happened and Lance, in a strange (but good and realistic!) twist of events, is the one trying to keep them together. It's also cool how in later in the fic, the tables turn and Ilana has to keep Lance in check. It's a nice give and take relationship.

Also, later on, when, uh, things become physical between the two of them... it was done very realistically! I mean, of course something like that would happen! Teenagers are very fragile, and the amount of crap they've gone through when compared with other people their age doesn't even compete.

The part when Lance lets Ilana hug him is just cuteness overload. (Also, can I say that an awkward Lance is just the cutest thing ever? Like, the moment where he decides to stop being a hardass for a moment and try to think of what the right thing to do for Ilana would be at the moment is so him dammit... ughhh screw my shipping heart ahhahacf)
Okay, that being said, the way you wrote the scene where they cross the boundaries of their friendship and uh, ya know, getalittletootouchyfeelyforakidshow here and there, was actually very heart-felt and I appreciated how it wasn't tasteless. The way you described what was happening was I believe was intentionally vague, but it wasn't vague enough for readers not to understand what was going on. It would have been easy to turn that moment into a run of the mill lemon scene and slap a M rating, but you kept the whole thing relatively subtle and not too explicit. It's nice to see a love-making scene done right, you know, it's nice to see sex portrayed as something sincere and chaste for a change, instead of having the characters participate in some scripted lemon scene that anyone can copy/paste from anywhere. This obviously takes a lot more effort to write. So kudos to that, being able to write a making love scene that actually shows the characters, you know, making LOVE. I.e something sweet and to be remembered (...that is how I interpreted the scene, as them having sex. Please, do correct me if I'm wrong.) Even if said characters brush off the event almost instantly afterwards, but... sigh. They don't exactly have a choice in the matter... Lance has a point when he says that what they did doesn't change anything, even if he wanted it to. He's a bodyguard after all, and they both know that they can't let their emotions at that moment change the relationship they have now. (Rip my shipping heart) But still, their decision to cherish the moment while it lasted was... sweet. And really only human. And definitely realistically written.

So... to wrap up this review, you did a wonderful job capturing the character's personalities and what it's implied they might have done when having been put through those circumstances. I do think that something like this probably did happen in the show off-screen, especially considering the scene where Ilana walks and sits next to Lance in only a bath towel; I didn't consider it the first time I watched this show that it was hinting that Lance and Ilana um, may have done some intimate things, because when I saw the scene the first time as a thirteen year-old I honestly thought the whole moment was just fanservice, a case of "oh hey, let's put Ilana in a bath towel because we haven't got fanservice of her yet! We already have fanservice of Kimmy, so let's do Ilana before the show ends!" I only realize this as I'm older and now having read this fic, this only circumvents the idea of what happened even further. Who would have thought that a show like could be so... thoughtprovoking? :p okay, maybe it's not so thoughtprovoking, but that scene alone is just a nice touch of detail.

All in all... this was a really nice read, a nicely put together one shot, and very nicely done. (And yes, I'm saying nicely three times in a row for emphasis. Sue me. :D)
It'd be interesting if you wrote some more fics centered around Symbionic Titan, especially considering the short run and the endless amount of unresolved plot points. It's a shame the fandom is mostly dead, but hey, maybe with some more contributions to it, maybe it'll somehow be kickstarted? :D (I should probably write a fanfic myself... hm...)

Even so, please do continue to write so fantastically in the future, I'm certainly gonna be checking out some of your other stuff. Fanfiction dot net needs more writers like you! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
Nossa muinto bom mesmo estou amando sua história está ficando melhor que a original muinto bem escrita e interpretada estou ansiosa para a continuação desta magnífica história realmente
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
Estou adorando sua história continuar escrevendo mais
MASTER T-REX chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
I really liked this story, and it reminded me a lot of back when I used to watch the series and why I liked the show in the first place. Reading the in-between moments and the thought s that were going through the characters minds at that segment in the episode was really cool to look into. I hope to see more stuff like that in this archive one day!
JD Write chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
Wow, that was so well written, I honestly don't know what to say... you really sculpted their relationship so well, I honestly have no words to describe the complexity and detail here, well, this is really just great. The way you really captured how on edge the characters were is spectacular, honestly. I am going to study this, to be honest.