Reviews for Enraptured in Ice
Terrence Johnny Stanford chapter 1 . 5/19
I must say. You have made a very promising start. Even though I can tell you are going for the “love at first sight” trope. I think you handled pretty good. And I find you Brother sister dynamic with Tracer. I thought it was amusing as all hell. I really like your story and how you made sure to make Dan seem extra special (for the most part so far)
And it seems like this is a rare fic that actually finishes. I’ll be looking forward to seeing the end.

It’s fics like yours that make me want to go on with my own oc-oriented stuff

And I know people have differing opinions. But I’ll say it anyway

Mei is best girl. Even if she is a pain in the ass to play against
Guest chapter 11 . 5/19
I didn‘t like Pharah before and this made it even and stupidity rains from above,gentlemen!
Sonic chapter 5 . 5/15
Well,according to many other Overwatch fanfics,love at first sight is indeed possible.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/21
I was going to comment about Dan acting so retarded and then I read the authors note and you explained that he’s literally retarded lol. It explains a lot though, thanks for clearing that up
Guest chapter 5 . 1/21
Did you have to make the main character so fucking creepy?
Guest chapter 4 . 1/21
Dan is acting like a little bitch lol
Bchange chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
You can’t be good at mei. Mei takes no skill. It’s just good down left click, make a bind to say hello and the. Right click to the head omegalul
Doublegram chapter 18 . 2/19/2019
This one gave me some BioShock vibes, heh. Near the end though. I'll try to make an in-depth review of this entire thing once I finish it.
Tohka123 chapter 20 . 1/27/2019
Quite enjoyable, keep up the hard work
Sir Attlich chapter 8 . 11/23/2018
Man, Dva is thirsty AF.
windwolf777 chapter 20 . 9/30/2018
Holy Amazing fic. I absoultely love it. I hope to see Breaking the Shell very soon!
KrossPhelps chapter 20 . 8/24/2018
That's it's? I am so very sad now.
xxtails888xx chapter 20 . 8/3/2018
Just spent 5 hours reading this whole story at once loved it it had some good plot points in it even if some times it was repetitive it was funny and overall a great story wish there was a sequel or even another ending where he doesnt have to freeze himself but other wise amazeing
Moch1772 1545 chapter 20 . 7/18/2018
Sooooooo is there coming a 2 to this Fanfiction or are we just ending it there. It would be a shame to end it because you are talented at writing, the story is great and you never get bored while reading any of your story's but I would like to know what happens with the rest of the characters new relationships after five years.
If you don't write any more to this story it's fine because it can end just there and if that is the case I will have to say thank you for writing this and posting it so we can read it
Regards a big fan of your work.
Mr. Overcharge chapter 20 . 6/6/2018
My heart just shattered into a million pieces. I expect some sort of continuation! I need closure goddammit! Even if there is none, you ended on a high note. Sad maybe, but still a high note. Fucking Sombra…
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