Reviews for Gardens of Eden
Anna chapter 45 . 8/26/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7/2017
Have you ever heard of quality, not quantity? You put out so much nonsensical garbage onto this site, stop while your only so far behind.
Guest chapter 45 . 1/16/2017
Nice ending, the way to cap it off. Though still leaving a future sequel too.
HoosierCullen chapter 45 . 1/10/2017
That was a sad way to end this and I think that Lyarra's presence will be missed. She was the matriarch of the family and a bit of a presence in her family that will be impossible to replace. This has been an interesting fic and on to the next.
HoosierCullen chapter 44 . 1/10/2017
Jonothor is given some good advice from mythical beings, which I haven't ever heard of in this universe. They ask for something that is simple for him to give in return for the help that they have given and offered to live in peace. The Battle for the Dawn was handled very well and quickly.
HoosierCullen chapter 43 . 1/10/2017
Viserys gets the recognition he wanted but I think his giving up on his plans sounds a bit OOC for him in this situation. But as you keep saying and intimating people can change their minds.
HoosierCullen chapter 42 . 1/10/2017
Who was the Sparrow? You make this big deal about him then not tell us who was behind this insanity?
HoosierCullen chapter 41 . 1/10/2017
Baelish is ended and his schemes are exposed. I think that his death was warranted and Jasper proved what Jon was saying all along about the Lord Arryn and the loyalty he had to him.
HoosierCullen chapter 40 . 1/10/2017
Alright, now that was intense, but what are the creatures that have come to save them. The description did not sound like Dragons so have to wonder what other mythical creature it could be.
HoosierCullen chapter 39 . 1/9/2017
So Jaime is closer to finishing this little uprising. Should be interesting to learn the truth of things.
HoosierCullen chapter 38 . 1/9/2017
So ends the Blackfyre line. I do think that this is a possibility for canon as well, Varys being a secret Blackfyre and being the brother in-law of Mopatis. It would explain a great deal and Faegon being his nephew would also make sense. Also he did give Ellaria a direction to look for who is behind the chaos in Westeros.
HoosierCullen chapter 37 . 1/8/2017
So the plans for the faith have been brought and are supported, somewhat. I think with Dany being married off to Baelor Hightower that puts a wrinkle in Viserys' plans. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. For Donnor does not seem like he could be completely trusted with this power.
HoosierCullen chapter 36 . 1/8/2017
Well I think that Viserys is thinking a bit more with his 'little head' here and is not being too wise in his plotting against Margaery. And having Melisandre 'I like to burn children with King's blood' aligned with him it might turn out poorly. Though learning that some of Margaery's family is involved with the Sparrows was interesting.
HoosierCullen chapter 35 . 1/7/2017
Plans and discussions on how to handle that Whites and their wights. I have to wonder what they will use to combat their foe since they have no dragonglass or wildfire there. Should be interesting though.
HoosierCullen chapter 34 . 1/7/2017
Battle in the Westerlands where the unprepared and under armed got their butts kicked by an army. Not too big a surprise that mounted and armored men won against a bunch of peasants with pitchforks and staffs. I think Jaime handling this uprising is smart.
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