Reviews for Angel's Treasure
A little bit of this and that chapter 20 . 8/25/2018
had me bawling my eyes out...LYSM
Guest chapter 20 . 8/30/2017
Beautiful story! Loved it! You're a grate writter.
MyaZab chapter 20 . 6/22/2017
This story was recommended to me by a friend, at first I was sceptical I confess. But I quickly changed my mind because oh boy was this story good! I read it in less then a day, I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen. This story was so well written and action packed, I could easily imagine everything, every last detail. I enjoyed the ride alongside Alec and Magnus. Great job!
kemiRD chapter 20 . 6/18/2017
finally... the happy ending they deserve :D

and a sequel will be nice, where they go for the Fountain of Youth... or whatever :))

Gods I love this story...
kemiRD chapter 19 . 6/18/2017
oh come on! seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

why? just why? I mean Alec is a great pirate? seriously? Jesus Alec don't go!

Magnus, don't let him go, IDIOT! just don't! for fuck's sake you're a pirate, a PIRATE! wait till nightfall, sneak in and kidnap him! :)) really? I have to think for you now?
kemiRD chapter 18 . 6/18/2017
Little Jhonny (Morgenstern) what are you doing, you stupid, greedy little brat?! Oh My Gods! this kid is worse that his father! Jesus what would he accomplish by killing Alec AFTER the Instruments were destroyed?

and poor Jonathan (Wayland)...

Alec, you made the right decision, no one should have that power. now get the Hell away from there and live oyur life as a pirate with Magnus, and take Sizzy and Clace with you :D (I know you want to)
kemiRD chapter 17 . 6/18/2017
oh no! no no no! nope! NO!
kemiRD chapter 16 . 6/18/2017
oh my... shit's 'bout to get down
and so many Jonathans ))) I'm dizzy
kemiRD chapter 15 . 6/18/2017
oh. ok nevermind the question from my other review :)) I get why Alec is important now :D
kemiRD chapter 14 . 6/18/2017
well you IDIOT! told you it will be too late... ughh!

and now Alec what will you do?
kemiRD chapter 13 . 6/18/2017
NO! no no noooo... OK I asked for it. I wanted to see Alec's reaction... yep, I'm so stupid... why?

BTW is beautiful how you introduced the actual Mortal Instruments in this legend.

and now I have a question. Why is the Lightwood family (ok Alec) blessed with the Angel's Blood? I mean, yeah... Robert was there when Valentine found the Treasure, but so were the other members of the crew, why is Alec so important, and not the sons of the others?
kemiRD chapter 12 . 6/18/2017
oh Magnus I knew you will come to your senses... hope (like hell) for you to find a way for... well everything :D
kemiRD chapter 11 . 6/18/2017
About God Damn time! took them long enough :))

And now Magnus seem to finally understand that he can just sacrifice Alec for a stupid boat )))
kemiRD chapter 10 . 6/18/2017
ohooo Alec jealous :))) I wonder how will Magnus react is someone will kiss Alec in front of him :))

and I could've swear that the Sea Witch is Camille ))) it's only fitting for Bitchmille to be a witch )))
kemiRD chapter 9 . 6/18/2017
Oh Alec. sweet innocent Alec... up until now I thought Magnus is the only moron here for not admitting their feelings... but you are in the same position... *sigh*

Why they have to be such idiots all the time is beyond me...

And Magnus, I know you are a pirate, but stop keeping secrets from Alec, did you think that maybe if he will read all the translated texts he will be able to find much more about the treasure that he already found? I mean he figured much more that all three of you alone, with missing information, and you with all the information only deduced that "blood calls for blood"... UGHH! Idiots!
And, you will find another way to take back the Danube! not sacrificing Alec! I know you will, 'cause you love him and you can't do this to him ;) just saying :D
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