Reviews for The Greatest Rick of them All
CampeDiem420 chapter 37 . 11/26/2019
Omg I love this! Please write more?
Magnusx7 chapter 19 . 8/28/2019
(310) AMV Run Boy Run on you tube. Check out owlmages favorites he has 1781 songs in his favorite list.
Magnusx7 chapter 14 . 8/28/2019
The following organizations, corporations, nations, planets, and organized space collectives,To name some but not all of the kinds of forces and organized groups of sentient listed here, do hereby agree to a tentative truce and alliance to strengthen our bonds and further enable our collective excellence for the improvement of all sentient life. The Q continuum, The planet Popstar, Care-a-lot, Forest of Feelings, Care-a-lot Castle, The isle of Wuz, Gummy Glyn, Castle Dunwyn, the Kingdom of Caring and Joke-a-lot, The United Nations (describes and comprises several variants not all of whom are from the same realm as organizations like the one in new York are present in multiple realities and physical locations.), the Corporate court and the AAA companies who comprise it and their relevant subsidiaries Ares Macrotechnology, Bandai Namico, Aztechnology, Wuxing Incorporated, Evo Corporation, Horizon, Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, NeoNET, Renraku Computer Systems, Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries, Shiawase Corporation, Disney Cartoon Network Hasbro& Funimation entertainment, Microsoft & Apple computer technologies. Warner Brothers & Universal entertainment, Nintendo & Sega entertainment, Mobius, Sony, The Papacy & Protestant churches, Islam, Hinduism, The nation and people of Isreal and the Jewish people, The lords of outer midnight, The thirteen vampire clans of Cain’s offspring, The Gods & Old ones, The High Lords. The United Federation of Planets, The Galactic Republic, The United Nations Space Command, The Covenant, The Horde and Alliance of the planet Azeroth, The residents of vault 101 In the capital waste land, vault 21 in new vegas, vault 111 in Boston the minute men institute and railroad factions in addition to the brother hood of steel and enclave operatives who exist in these locations. the Free World Council, The United Worlds of Warlocks, The Coalition States of North America and their capital Chi-Town, Free Quebec, The Pecos empire, New Lazlo, Psyscape, Lazlo, The Empire of the Sun (Yes it exist, baby I’m sorry I’m not sorry as the new song goes)Atlantis (various factions and versions of it) Cowtown located on moo mesa, The foot clan under the leadership of Splinter and the teenage mutant ninja turtles, The street sharks, The power rangers and their many iterations and variants, The characters and people of Hanna Barbera, Matt Groening, and Seth Mcfarland, The Federation of magic, The Romulan Star empire, The Klingon Empire, The Cardassian Union, The Borg Collective, The Imperium of Man and their space marines and sisters of battle, The T’au Empire, The Asyryan Eldar, Warboss Goreguts ork faction, A segment of Necrons, Magnus the red’s Chaos faction, Certain Eldar of unidentifiable places and elves of difficult to trace lineage, The Terran Dominion, The Zerg Swarm, The Protoss Firstborn, Capsule Corporation, Amazon corporation, The League of Legends, Justice league of America, Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, Overwatch, M.I.B. The Citadel originally known as The Citadel of Ricks, The Human Systems Alliance and their allies the Citadel Council Asari, Salarian, Turian, and associate members and species, see also the Geth, Flotilla, Elcore, Hanar, and Rachni branches to name a few but not all of the species & robot/cyborg/AI kinds of groups allied here. The princes and princesses of Equestria and their allies the Crystal Empire Yakyakistan, Griffonstone, The cults of Dragon right (various dragons much like humans and other races are present in a fairly large portion of the multiverse so this refers to several factions as well), Allied Shinobi Forces, The Soul society, The country of Narnia, The provinces of Middle earth comprising Gondor, Hobbition, Mirkwood, Rohan, lake town the Dwarvin provinces under the mountain and Moria to name several of the middle earth factions but not all. Camelot residing in Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard (various both the Norwegian place and at least a single version of earth which simply refers to itself as Midgard.) Asguard and it’s deities and citizenry, The giant Zentradi and their space fairing allies (Rick hunter’s group of humans sometimes referred to as micronian and the creators of Robotech to skim on a fairly large story and a fair few number of factions), The city of Defiance, The kingdom of Westeros, The kingdom of Shannara, The Klue Klux Klan, The Black panthers, The Crypts, the Bloods, The Latin Kings, The Jets, the Sharks, The Yakuza, The Mofia, The provinces of Termina, and Hyrule, The mushroom kingdom, Noir & Hoshido, The continent of Ylisse and the nations that comprise it. The continent of Magvel and the nations that comprise it. The continent of Tellius and the nations that comprise it. The continent of Akaneia and the nations that comprise it. The continent of Valm and the nations that comprise it. The continent of Valentia and all the nations that comprise it. The continent of Fódlan and all the nations that comprise it. Nirn comprising Tamriel Yokuda/Sinismeris and Akavir, Dimmsdale California(reasons for it being listed individually as opposed to with the rest of America and the United nations…no we’re not elaborating but it might have something to do with…FAIRY GOD PARENTS!), Republic city, the earth kingdom, fire nation, water tribes, and air nomads of their respective continents/islands. Xenomorphs and their frenimes theYautja, The lords of out realm led by Raiden, Panem and it’s districts, Amity Erudite Candor Abnegation Dauntless, and the Factionless and divergent, The ministry of magic and it’s provinces, The Magical Congress of The United States of America, The Summer Winter Spring and Fall courts of the fair folk, The province of Lorivas, Gallifrey, The defenders of the Nfty,The risembool rangers, The plainswalker including but not limited to Ajani, Ashiok,Chandra, Elspeth, Jace Archetect of thought, (Numerous Jaces he has a lot of titles and imitators apparently), Gideon, Kiora, Liliana, and Nicol Bolas, The land of Ooo it’s candy kingdom, and it’s many neighbors including the ice king flame princess and lump princess to name some but not all of the factions found there. The white council of wizardry, and the Great Diamond Authority.
Magnusx7 chapter 18 . 8/28/2019
I think I need a little change steven universe. My Dearest 【Anna】both on you for this, I want this family in a better place.
Wolfspirit2996 chapter 34 . 7/25/2019
ooh dramatic twist lol Ready for more :)
Wolfspirit2996 chapter 33 . 7/25/2019
Fuck this shit I'm out
Fuck this shit I'm out
No thanks
Don't mind me, Imma just grab my stuff and leave
'Scuse me please fuck this shit I'm out

Seriously, recurring nightmares absolutely suck ass. I kinda feel for Rick but at the same time it's like damn bro chill XD
Uuu chapter 33 . 7/23/2019
More please
nicknamewizard chapter 33 . 7/23/2019
Ahhhhh so glad you’re back! The angst is so delicious, I just love this whole emotional journey you’ve taken me on. Can’t wait to see how it ends!
Wolfspirit2996 chapter 32 . 7/21/2019
phew, finally re-read it all. Still good :) Nice to see you back, can't wait to finish it up :)
MidLyte10705 chapter 31 . 7/16/2019
I have a feeling Rick didn't get his memories back fully, and just wanted to trick Morty of getting the hell out of the chains like he did last time.
ProngsPotter22 chapter 29 . 4/26/2019
Please continue! This is a really good story :)
Anonymous Fan 3 chapter 29 . 4/15/2018
Ok. This might be a bit long. First of all, this is amazing! Please continue ASAP. The story is amazing and I’m living where it’s going. Now, the next thing ima day is like, just my opinion. Rick losing his memories is an AMAZING twist, but I really, really want him to get his memory back eventually. Maybe like he hits his her or Morty slaps him... idk something. But it would be awesome for this story to end happily because I’m a sensitive peice of shit :D. I’m just nervous it’ll end sadly and my heart cannot take it. I’m so envelopped in this story lol. GOOD JOB! I hate reading but damn.
LinkyLabrador chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
Oh my fuck! This is so good right and it’s so sad!
nicknamewizard chapter 29 . 1/14/2018
Holy cow, this is an amazing story! I think you’ve handled characterization brilliantly, I completely believe each characters’ reactions to such a complex situation. Can’t wait for more!
Kat Aclysm chapter 29 . 1/3/2018
Eeeeeeeee super awesome to see you update this after so long :3 This was a well fleshed out chapter. Birdperson and Squanchy felt IC, and pretty much how they would react in the show/canon. I feel bad for Rick though - I do hope they find a way to restore his memories. Please spoil us with another update soon!
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