Reviews for Band-Aids and Coconut Cake
Guest chapter 25 . 7/5
such a great story, thank you for sharing
gollumsfriend chapter 25 . 3/1
Fantastic ending to an adorable story, thank you!
FanOTheFang chapter 25 . 2/29
YaY! Lovely ending - Thank you!
gollumsfriend chapter 15 . 2/29
Lol, this was a fun chapter to read, thanks!
FanOTheFang chapter 20 . 2/29
Just read the start of the next chapter - how could there be anything wrong with this Chapter?

Thank you again!
FanOTheFang chapter 14 . 2/29
A few years too late - Happy Birthday!

This fic makes me feel like I came home - Thank you!
FanOTheFang chapter 6 . 2/29
OMG! You made me cry again...

Then she asked him on a date - not sure if she meant to but she did!

Then he ran away, because of course Daryl would...

It's killing me to comment because I want to keep reading, but I have a rule - Got to comment if you read for free!

Thank you - Loving this - I did have other things to do today... Onto Chapter 7
FanOTheFang chapter 5 . 2/29
And now I'm tearing up - Happy Birthday Hershel!
FanOTheFang chapter 4 . 2/29
Stubborn Beth :)
FanOTheFang chapter 2 . 2/29
You make me miss Beth even more than usual!
FanOTheFang chapter 1 . 2/29
I haven't read any Bethyl for a while - this looks like a perfect return. Thank you!

And I see Daryl has a dog before Dog actually existed!
Guest chapter 25 . 8/24/2018
This story was beautifully written and I love how well you were able to keep Beth and Daryl in character in an au story. I've only read a handful of bethel au stories that have been executed as well as this one. Please continue writing, I just adore your stories and writing style. :)
Guest chapter 25 . 3/24/2018
I want more! Thank you.
Namcitaable chapter 25 . 3/12/2018
Loved your story so much! Thank you ️
PancakesFromHell chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
I don't agree with your assessment of racism and Confederate statues in the Fourth of July chapter. Stonewall Jackson might be part of history but he belongs in a museum not in a park. He supported seceding from these United States. That should be taught in schools not immortalized with statues praising his achievements and also the construction of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers and generals were done with racist and malicious intent. I enjoyed the story otherwise but the comments about Confederate statues and voting just rubbed me the wrong way, pulling me out of the story.
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