Reviews for Sunrise
idiotbx3 chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
Of course, another good one. Why should I even be surprised. Every Trigun fic you've written I've read so far has been awesome XD
Bookeater-otaku chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
fanficlove2014 chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
Very nice work here. I enjoyed reading Vash and Meryl's lil debate. The part about Vash having to look at the bright side of things or otherwise he'd go insane is very true. The guy has seen a lot in his years. Good and bad. Also, Vash put his arm around Meryl and they watched the sunrise! How sweet! ;) haha Great job!
Eden Evergreen chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
"Maybe remind you that every day is a new start." A truth all to easily forgotten. - nod -

It is a pity that many cannot be saved. However, legacies of inspiration can help. Sometimes they have a domino effect... one inspires another, who might inspire two, who might each inspire two more, etc. In time, it can grow into something wonderful.

Rebuilding, both literally and figuratively, are extremely hard work. Heartbreaking, at times, and exhausting to both mind and body. Yet the effort is worth the price.

Drink in each new day, and do what you can to make it better than the prior. Very likely to be Vash's philosophy, and should work for anyone else at least as well. - nod -