Reviews for Kasha's Strange Adventure
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30/2016
brilliantly done, epic chapter
HungerDragon chapter 2 . 6/5/2016
Another great chapter! It was great seeing Aja join the story. And poor Kasha not being able to return home.

Just curious, will you be including other Travelers in the story as well?

Excited to

HungerDragon chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
I enjoyed this chapter! It's cool getting to see things from Kasha's perspective! She's a great Traveler.

Looking forward to reading more :)

pitchpearlgirl chapter 2 . 5/30/2016
I really liked this chapter! Aja is such a great character, I'm glad you included her so early. Your characterization of her was on point, and so was how you wrote the little mental breakdown Kasha had about not being able to return home. Overall, I just wanna say I'm excited for the next chapter, yet again!
pitchpearlgirl chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Welcome to the Pendragon fandom, new friend! There are like five of us but we are keeping this thing alive as best we can lol. I hope you enjoy your stay, however short or long it is!

I love your fic, by the way! Such an interesting concept, Kasha being the main character instead of Bobby. She's such a great character, I'm sure it will be interesting! Excited for the next chapter!