Reviews for Taken
N Umbra chapter 6 . 7/9/2017
Flaming eyeball chapter 1 . 5/15/2017
this is really good 1 question is the main caricter from a different anime or did you invent them?
Drocell Keinz chapter 3 . 9/16/2016
Isn't that Heat Haze Days?

I love this so much thank you for making this
Sakura Lisel chapter 6 . 7/10/2016
Wait where's the NEXT chapter? didn't this one come out WEEKS ago?
SimpleWriter44 chapter 5 . 7/4/2016
Please update soon!
Sakura Lisel chapter 4 . 7/1/2016
I have a question. How come Kuraihono HASN'T asked/demanded to know exactly HOW LONG are they planning to not only keep him locked up in a cage like an animal, DESPITE the fact hes been on his best behavior (half the time but its not like hes tried to HURT anyone just scare them) since waking up here, but he should also ask/demand to know exactly WHEN are they going to let him GO so he can go HOME? Is he a PRISONER pernanently, expected to spend tge rest of his life in the cage being used in lectures for school children, or do they plan to let him go eventually? Or don't they think somebody like him might have FRIENDS and FAMILY who might be LOOKING for him even now? *lol* and hint at what those friends and family MIGHT do to everybody here if they track him down here locked up like an animal. *lol*
DestinyDragonCat chapter 3 . 6/12/2016
Hi, I'm a person (I think). I was reading your story cause I don't have a life, and I thought to myself, wow this is really awesome, I wish I could write as amazingly as this person. I really enjoy your story, and it makes me feel happy inside or something cause I'm weird. Please don't stop writing its people like you who make my nights. Thanks!
Ps: is the reson he's acting different cause he doesn't have his knives?
WanderingWatermelon chapter 2 . 6/2/2016
Awww! That AN melted my heart omg :) this fic is really interesting so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this!