Reviews for Can't Go Home Again
Evil Atlas chapter 100 . 6/27
This was amazing. Excellent characters, broad FNAF lore coverage across all the games (with smooth integration of new games and revelations), real tension (I was sincerely worried that this was going to end in Chance's fire or with Mari's final suspicions coming true), and a happy ending regardless.

Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.

For a while I was expecting the Nightmares to show up, given what happened to Gabriel down in ARI. When Scott got that one suspicious call from Mari while waiting outside ARI, I thought it was secretly Nightmarrione. I'm... not sure that theory was ever actually debunked...

Well, I'll go look for that sequel now and see if... ianother hundred chapters?!/i
ColonelJayWrites chapter 1 . 6/25
Wow... This was... wow...

I love the backstory you gave Mike and how much suspense was there during the chase scene. Like a certain other 'unexpected' story I just read and will read again, this was really clear and vivid. This should be higher, honestly.
Nobu chapter 100 . 3/30
Best story ever
Cages21 chapter 1 . 1/23
Heads up to any body reading this in 2020!
Purest of the Hearts chapter 100 . 12/4/2019
AAAAAA BEST ENDING! I feel like I should say more but I don't know what to. I've had your fanfic page open for a while now and finally found the time to read this. These have been some interesting all-nighters reading this story and I can say without a doubt that it was absolutely worth it. So many FNaF stories I've read in the past fall into this hole where they make their own canon with what we've got so far yet the moment a new game comes out and proves that canon false, they just stop writing instead of adapting or continuing with their vision. In fact, I think this is the only complete FNaF story I've read. That kinda drove me out of reading FNaF because of it but then I stumbled across this beast of a fic and you didn't trip at all. You didn't get caught up in conforming perfectly to FNaF canon (whatever the hell that may be at this point let's be honest lol), and you created this beautiful story that didn't feel stilted at any point. Thank you op for writing this story, and I'll see you in the sequel!
Purest of the Hearts chapter 99 . 12/4/2019
I have no words. This was such an emotional rollercoaster.
Purest of the Hearts chapter 98 . 12/4/2019
So Henry/Goldie is the one haunting the warehouse. That would explain why Mari suddenly saw Mike as purple when he was in there. But what does he want?
Purest of the Hearts chapter 95 . 12/4/2019
PREACH MARI I think this is my favorite chapter because oh my god that was SO good! Everyone banding together to get out of that hellscape, Chance being completely batshit crazy, "IT WASN'T ME"?! AAAAA THERE'S SO MUCH TO GUSH ABOUT JUST-I LOVE IT
Purest of the Hearts chapter 94 . 12/4/2019
Purest of the Hearts chapter 93 . 12/4/2019
Ah yes. Just your average Afton family reunion. In which everyone is tired of everyone else's bullshit after just meeting again for the first time in years and are already trying to kill each other in a free-for-all like they aren't/weren't family. Why not lol
Purest of the Hearts chapter 88 . 12/4/2019
Max just does not like Foxy does he? He's been spiting the fox since he met him
Purest of the Hearts chapter 78 . 12/3/2019
OP I have no words. I'd thought it was weird that he kept calling Phone Guy warm and soft but honestly, this far into the story, you'd think I'd learn not to trust Baby. I know I was thinking "Wow they just skipped all the slow burn" when they slept together but no. Apparently there was never any slow burn. Just more body-snatching plans with a smothering of obsessive-love-maybe and butter eating. I so badly wanted to say "You know sometimes family can be a sphynx, a maine coon, and a 7 ft tall metal spaghetti man-thing that loves raw eggs and butter." when things were officialized but I guess not
Purest of the Hearts chapter 72 . 12/3/2019
I can't believe I forgot Mangle existed. Of course Mangle is the fucked up sheep that insists on walking like an animal and biting folks. And of course BB is the animatronic whose initials are BB and is a complete nuisance. I feel so stupid. Also who in their right mind would reuse Mangle of all things?
Purest of the Hearts chapter 71 . 12/3/2019
Foxy you dumbass At what point did this sound remotely like a good idea?
Purest of the Hearts chapter 70 . 12/3/2019
Something about Bobby Black Sheep just destroying itself makes me feel pity but like it sounds straight up feral and I can't help but wonder what caused THAT to happen. I'm hoping it's initials being BB Sheep and BB being a missing spirit are shear coincidences but when have things ever been coincidences at Freddy's?
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