Reviews for (æ)lohim
Ferb Ancos chapter 19 . 5/20
I guess this is the ending of this line of events I guess. Good luck in your next work. :)
Ferb Ancos chapter 16 . 5/3
This story is really good. I was just looking for some Arc-V fanfics that weren't trash and I must say I'm impressed. The idea of using the LSD kids as the main protagonist of this series is extremely refreshing and the plot too. That last duel agains Qrowley was quite original too, I was just wondering how the Hell they were going to win against that unfair field. And then I found out that you had made a precuel with that Shadoll incident so I'm going to read that too.

Just as a side note, after Masumi said the phrase "wasn't Gem-Knight Paz." I could only see that scene with Kakyoin's main theme.
ThePLOThand chapter 11 . 3/1/2019
Don't they still have phones?
And what does Hontoka mean again?
ThePLOThand chapter 10 . 6/10/2018
start: Investigation ~ Middle 2002 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All Music Extended
back to the duel: Battle! Elite Four - Pokémon Sun & Moon Music Extended
when Hotene's turn starts: Pursuit ~ Casting Magic - Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Music Extended
back to Himika: Digital Root - 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Music Extended
back to the duel: Pursuit ~ Wanting to Find the Truth (GaMetal) - Gyakuten Kenji 2 Music Extended
when Seika uses their lifeforce for Soul Absorption: Cornered Heart ~ Ace Attorney on violin and drums
for Masumi's Comeback attempt: NEW DANGANRONPA V3 OST- V3 SCRUM (SCRUM DEBATE)
after the duel: [Music] Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc New World Order Extended
ThePLOThand chapter 9 . 5/19/2018
With Solid Vision being immune to everything but itself, how would Zarc v Goku go? jk of course :)
A great start to another 1v multiple duel, my favorite type of duels! (just look at how many of them I have in Arc-VRAINS)
I generally only use the initial Translation, when
A. the card appeared in my story before the Official one
B. I'm too used to the 'sub name', like with most Action Cards, though for Skulldeat I stuck with it because it sounds cooler ;)
As expected the first strategy against Seika Fails, and they have to pick a different one, unlike in VRAINS where Yusaku is like "nope I'll break this lock use Storm Acces/Link summoning after all" every single time or the actual Arc-V where every attack lock predictably was broken the following turn.
Though it's interesting how different we write duels, because I usually write the duels as I write the chapters and only know of a few key Events that need to happen beforehand.
start: Godot ~ The Fragrance of Dark-Colored Coffee - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
for the news:Miles Edgeworth ~ Objection! 2009 - Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Music Extended
for Masumi:Suspense - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Music Extended
when Seika coerces the agents into Exposition: Confess the Truth 2009 - Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Music Extended
3.25 PM:Thrill Theme ~ Suspense - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Music Extended
at LID: Crises of Fate - Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Music Extended
when the duel starts: Battle! Elite Four - Pokémon Sun & Moon Music Extended
18Gs chapter 8 . 4/1/2018
You're doing a great job!
ThePLOThand chapter 8 . 4/1/2018
I tend to Read music during fanfics and share my selection of themes in the reviews for a while now, and heres the BGM-list of this chapter: (the titles are copy-pasted from youtube)
start:Investigation ~ The Core 2001 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Music Extended
When Himika explains the purpose of the "doping":9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors - Digital Root
When Masumi questions Himikas parenting skills:Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Suspense (GBA)
For her Jewelry metaphor and deducing:Logic ~ The Way to the Truth - Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Music Extended
when she reveals her conclusion:Thrill Theme ~ Suspense - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Music Extended
After Masumi left the room:[Music] Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc New World Order Extended
For Shens Old saying:Investigation ~ Core Abroad - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Music Extended
For Himika and Sagisakas conversation:Investigation ~ Core 2016 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Music Extended
For Reeds scene:Investigation ~ Opening Abroad - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Music Extended
For the suprising spotlessness of Crowleys house:10 Hours Ultra Recon Squad Battle Music - Pokemon UltraSun & UltraMoon Music Extended
When Masumi notices the cube:Investigation ~ Core 2007 - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Music Extended
When Himika threatens to fire the employee whose account was hijacked by Seika:Suspense - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Music Extended
When Himika explains the cube:DANGANRONPA OST: -1-27- Climax Reasoning
When everyone realizes they should run away from the mines:The Great Straying ~ Suspense (Version 1) - Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken Music E
When the American pulls out his gun:The Great Straying ~ Suspense (Version 2) - Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken Music E
for the final scene:New World Order - Instrumental Mix Cover (Danganronpa)
Now to the chapter:
You know, Hotenes point about the lack of police involvement raises another question: Shouldnt dueling armies either play Overpowered (FTK or lockdown) decks or cards that would excellent war machines thanks to Solid Vision?
And it seems like the final duel of this story will be a few v many duel of Masumi (and partners) against Seika, Seika and the creator of Seika or just the creator of Seika.
ThePLOThand chapter 7 . 1/28/2018
So the fact that duelist dont Need to explain their Cards and that you cant read your opponents Cards in the Anime is a Major clue in this Story?
And I cant help, but imagine a conversation between Himika and Donald Trump. ;)
Also, is there a reason, why normally you use Sub names and initial translations, but use the Name LID instead of LDS?
And since your OC Cards will be compiled at the end of the Story, instead of every chapter, it wont take a huge number of chapters to finish, right?
ThePLOThand chapter 6 . 9/8/2017
Hey did you read my PM?
18Gs chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
I think your works, especially this one, are seriously underrated. I think it's awesome how you have expanded upon the story of the LDS trio, characters that were-I believe the term is-"put on a bus", after season one. Those characters were probably implemented into the story just to act as temporary rivals for some of the protagonists, but you have expanded their world to a great degree. The way you write the duels is perfect, and I liked how you introduced archetypes such as "Shaddolls", "Qliphort", (correct me if I spelled that incorrectly), and "Inferniods" into the ARC-V universe. I hope someday you will continue this exciting chronicle, for it certainly stands apart from most of the other ARC-V fanfics out there.