Reviews for Those Violet Eyes
Annonmymous chapter 52 . 17h
Can't wait to see what Slade does to escape. And I hope BB gets better. Anxiously awaiting next chapter.
catholicjedi32 chapter 52 . 7/9
This is still such a great story! Keep it up! I look forward to reading the rest of the story as it comes out!
Guest chapter 52 . 7/2
Still grea can’t wait for the next chapter
VladimirVamp chapter 52 . 7/2
Yeah that went too smoothly, something bad is gonna happen lol
Kofukuna Shi no Kami chapter 36 . 7/2
Just read the AN in this chapter, and I swear to God, if you're going to go all George RR Martin on us and pull another Accidents May Happen...I can't even...
mochafraptor chapter 52 . 6/28
Good stuff!
Kurokawa Kazunari chapter 52 . 6/25
Love this story. Plain and simple. Though I feel Beast Boy might do stupid. Nevertheless I still love this story. The Rose wanting to sleep with both BB and Raven is a nice touch, and though I know it will never happen I still like it. Is it possible to add a dream with that scene? Like, it doesn't need to be in full details, but like snippets of Rose dreaming and waking up before the chapter really starts. This is great story whether that happens or not and I still love it. But I thought why not ask? You are probably irritated from the constant suggestions but I still thought I'd ask.

lovinglybreex chapter 52 . 6/23
i just spent the last two days completely absorbed by this story, you can just feel how much you love the titans, i’m just annoyed i hadn’t found this sooner :/ the plot and characters are so accurate and well developed, thank you!
Mr. Ursine chapter 52 . 6/20
So this is what you’ve been up to for the past long while. I had been ignoring this story for ages as the the summery made me think I wouldn’t care for it, but I finally noticed you were the author and jumped on it. It is a very nice story so far with wonderful levels of darker references to the comics like with Terra and Slade’s relationship. May have picked up on something you did as well and I am sooo looking forward to see that bomb dropped. Now I have nothing to read again sadly though.
thedrugedghoul chapter 42 . 6/19
I dont get it, they know that slade wants her, why would they continue to take her outside like that?
Shelby Carrizales chapter 52 . 6/19
You're alive! yay! Great chapter! My compliments to the chef lol
chocalate lover 2020 chapter 52 . 6/18
I've been reading this story for a while now and have even started to read it twice (I always read things twice if I find that I really like it). Please post soon, because I'm not sure how long I can wait.
Sesshoru chapter 30 . 6/17
Matriarch is a femine pronoun while Patriarch is a masculine pronoun.
devoncraven1997 chapter 38 . 6/17
Let's get this party started!
Let's keep them 40s poppin!
So just get buzzed and stay... *get cut off by unknown source*
devoncraven1997 chapter 17 . 6/16
He had to witness Boku no Pico?! That poor poor guy.
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