Reviews for The darkness of my days, A MARBECCA fanfic
lazan45 chapter 49 . 6/28
In my changes to this soap opera Marlene leaves Rebecca and returns to Tracey. eric and Rebecca's family want her to return to Germany to had the baby. Upon her return they talk to her and want her to marry eric and have the child together. Rebecca says no. She said that she will have the child give it to eric and return to N.Y. She hopes to re kindle her relation ship with Marlene. The other change has her and eric getting married. End of story!
lazan45 chapter 34 . 6/24
How did eric get to the orangery before Rebecca? I think it is time for the writers to have eric back off from Rebecca a little. I mean eric is not the first man that Rebecca has fucked but she likes him and he is falling in love with her. Oh boy here comes eric with flowers. Maybe he will get some pussy now. It is nice the way things with Marlene and Tracey are starting out! Cheers!
lazan45 chapter 25 . 6/22
I never treated my wife the way mark treats Marlene. I didn't own Dot! I miss her as she passed away on Dec. 8th 2019. I don't blame mark for being upset with Marlene but he could have had a better hold on his temper. But again he is treating her like she is something that he can command around and he wants her to be where he wants her to be and Marlene will not be treated like that!
lazan45 chapter 24 . 6/22
mark or Rebecca?! Marlene you need to make up your mind. At this point you kick mark to the curb and go with Rebecca! She will be less stressful on you than mark would be!
lazan45 chapter 22 . 6/22
If mark knows Marlene is sleeping with Rebecca why does he put up with it? I Love Marlene and Rebecca together! Good bye mark?
lazan45 chapter 18 . 6/22
Where are you writers going with this soap opera? Your writing is getting worse. All you had to do was crash Lizett's airplane and that would have taken care of her. Then mark gets drunk and wrecks his car. Now all that is left is Rebecca and Marlene.
lazan45 chapter 16 . 6/21
Mark demands of her but not of himself. He can do as he pleases but she has to seemingly have his permission. Marlene would be better off without him. Oh and telling a lie to the family that they were trying to have a child. It is nice to tell people that you are fucking your wife. Mark needs his ass kicked.
lazan45 chapter 13 . 6/21
Boy did mark just tell a big bare faced lie. See what an ego he is using Marlene as his object for having a baby which she doesn't want. It brings attention to him and Marlene which she doesn't want.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/20
mark is a lot like lars was with Hanna. Bed and sex. OK! Marlene in Rebecca's bed?! I wonder what will take place next! Cheers!
lazan45 chapter 11 . 6/20
What I would like to know is why did you have to write in about mark wanting a baby and he just won't shut up[ about it. He has his idea about how he wants things and Marlene to be. It still seems that she is a sex object and something he wants people to see and to notice! I would never treat a woman like that.
lazan45 chapter 10 . 6/20
I can't help but feel that there is to much Mark. I do not like his attitude towards Marlene. It is like she is more of an object than his wife.
lazan45 chapter 9 . 6/20
Oh that was so beautiful. But grace knows Marlene was not at home. Rebecca loves Marlene far more than Lizette! And Marlene loves Rebecca far more than she loves Mark! Bring it on!
lazan45 chapter 8 . 6/19
Why is it mark always says "Hey" when they meet? Is he so dumb that he can't say something else? I do not like mark at all. He reminds me of tristan who I hated with a passion! Mark sucks!
lazan45 chapter 7 . 6/18
I do not like mark at all! Rebecca and Marlene are still in Love with each other! See just like with tristan. The writers are copying from their previous writing. Here comes mark to stop her secret thinking. Writers are not very good!I hate mark!
lazan45 chapter 6 . 6/18
You are bringing Mark into situations with the Hey. I remember how you had tristan doing the same thing. What is the problem? You have to copy after yourself? Maybe you need new writers!
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