Reviews for Fireproof
DragoonSensei chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
One more reason why this show reminds me an old anime.
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne.
And that is not a bad thing, I loved that anime as a young kid.
misspandalily chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
Pardon the guest review! I'm being a bit lazy today :)

If I had found this fic on May 12, I would've given it a review war earlier on! I think your writing is spectacular here, lots of resentment and loneliness coming from Jeanne/Marinette's end, which makes a lot of sense for a variety of reasons.

I was a little 'tripped out', so to speak, when you brought the original series' characters in. Does that mean they time travelled? Or have they been existing for hundreds of years?

Regardless, loved this chapter; thanks for the great work!
guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
Wow it's so fitting with the character. I read that Jeanne insisted on wearing man's pants even in the prison to prevent herself from gettingt raped. The theories about her survival and that she even got married despite the authority refusing to officislly acknowledge her is my favorite and wish that actually hapened to her..! Tikki must love French girls~
shadowstar618 chapter 1 . 5/12/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2016
That was very inventive, double thumbs up! I'm French and Jeanne d'Arc is a popular figure of our history who still inspires many theories to the historians. I've recently read an article stating that there are consistent clues indicating that she wasn't the one burnt that day, but a substitute was. Guess we'll never know, but I'm glad to see you've ingeniously taken that path in your story. Great job, I loved it, especially how you've pictured the personality of Jeanne and Adrien. (my only reserve would be about camembert, I'm not sure this particular type of cheese existed in this timeline, but that's a detail).
Thanks for sharing!