Reviews for Saved Book One The Before
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 22 . 5/19/2017
A great story here! I'll watch for book 2!
Rascal chapter 9 . 5/16/2017
Story was great so far until Weasleys were added. Not worth reading anymore
autumnangel1775 chapter 22 . 5/4/2017
You made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. This is a great story, I can't wait for more.
TheGirlWithGlasses2 chapter 4 . 5/2/2017
Aaaand it's a Super!Harry fic, why do I read these things?
TheGirlWithGlasses2 chapter 3 . 5/2/2017
Really? Another Harry-Is-Stinkin-Rich-And-Has-Many-Titles-And-Properties-And-Owns-Hogwarts-And-Has-Many-Other-Different-Powers, kind of story? Not hating, fanfiction means you take a story and use it in your own way ,but one of the whole points of Harry Potter was that he had a rotten home but found a home in Hogwarts.
era-romance chapter 9 . 4/30/2017
ugh a Harryxginny fic. I'm done
teachergirl chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
That's a stupid plot point. Vernon is a muggle, so how is he a marked Death Eater? I can't read a story that has such an unbelievable plot.
Gime'SS chapter 22 . 4/29/2017
thanks for the update
teedub chapter 8 . 4/29/2017
OK, the "rules" of Molly are wholly unreasonable and insulting.

Harry is not a Weasley! He should not be "raised" as one. He should be raised as a Lord of the various Houses he is in charge of. Secondly, she has no business demanding his life story in exchange for "allowing" him to stay with them. If he feels comfortable telling them, then he will. A person cannot demand a virtual stranger trust her or her extended family that hasn't even been introduced! She can't insure this information won't be used against harry, even if she can somehow insure the information won't be disclosed to other people. She didn't even offer assurances that she herself wouldn't use this info against him.

Again, it's not her business, nor that of her family. Demanding he tell all and sundry his life horrors is wrong, especially since there was no reciprocal offer of forcing all the family members to recount their entire live stories for Harry's amusement. Finally, she needs to spell out what her rules are before any agreements are made. This was high handed, insulting, a power grab and frankly, immoral.

This was totally out of line and unrealistic. Who do these people think they are insinuating themselves into the discussion and decision of where Harry will live? They have no authority! By being a Lord, Harry is no longer a child that legally need guardianship. There is no reason for this meeting at all!
teedub chapter 7 . 4/29/2017
Well, that's a bit of not all right what with the knee jerk reaction to what is essentially only a speaking a different language. I think i would have been way more affronted and insulted if that happened to me. Especially considering they stepped way over their authority since it isn't illegal to speak a different language, as well as her threatening to "take him in" without charges and interrogate him for information that is none of her business. Again, since he hasn't committed a crime at all. I know I would personally be throwing around my weight towards better training for the Head of the Law Enforcement Dept.
Lady among the trees chapter 22 . 4/29/2017
O_o sooooo my ship called romione got blasted out of the sea with a harmoine? Well am a puff and i usually go along with all my friends' idea soo why not? This fic just got a whole lot interesting... Am guessing Harry would be thinking twice about speaking and losing his temper now...
Lady among the trees chapter 21 . 4/29/2017
So alice is not the godmother and lily's best friend but bella is? Ok cool. Good chapter... Like always eager for more!
Lady among the trees chapter 20 . 4/24/2017
Whoa! Bellatrix escaped?! She an animagus too? Cant wait to find out and whats gonna happen to harry now... Excited for more!
Gime'SS chapter 20 . 4/24/2017
thanks for the update
Gime'SS chapter 19 . 4/24/2017
thanks for the update!
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