Reviews for As I Have Loved You, So You Must Love Chicken
nerumi h chapter 1 . 5/11/2016
I...I can't believe this fic. in so many ways. i'm just...this fic changed everything
honestly, highest of honours to you for pulling off a totally ridiculous premise and a setting that's just easy fodder for parody fics and oh my god that COVER ART and making it genuinely hilarious. like this could have gone so, so wrong. and instead just. careened right into perfection. I was grinning literally the whole time and by the end i was trying really hard not to laugh out loud because i was just? incredulous? this fic is so good i LOVED... like, my review is pretty much "this was super funny and everyone was perfectly characterized and your dialogue was super witty-sharp" but my too-serious genuine review is like "honestly, how the hell did you manage to make a humour fic ABOUT TWO LESBIANS GETTING CAUGHT DOING THE NASTY IN A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT AND MAKE IT SOMEHOW RESPECTABLY FUNNY AND NOT GIMMICKY AND NOT SELF-RIDICULING TO A PAINFUL AMOUNT. how. HOW."
poor kaito oh man. i'm glad he ended up being a good dude. that's kaito for you. so gentle. also i loved luka in this, i'm not gonna lie and say i'm not totally subscribed to luka being a kind of cold and quiet mature lady but she was so damn great here. still kind of standoffish but witty and energetic all the same.
freaking Steve too omfg just the fact that he isn't a vocaloid and just didn't seem to match with the whole thing, i kept whispering "whAT IS THIS" to myself but could not stop snickering. my hat is off to you, man. this changed my life. blackened ranch forever.
kyub3y14 chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
I really want some chicken right now.
Mokozou chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
Love me some negitoro. Great story that had me laughing out loud more than once.
chi2lyn chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
oh, the fact that im christian and ships yuri so much and support LGBT, makes this piece even more good. i love how this piece have so many points of open minded thoughts. great job buddy
chi2lyn chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
*excitedly read their...ahem sexual moments* OJH MY GOSH THEYRE GONNA DO IT- SHET KAITO IS INSIDE THE COOL ROOM- BUT MAYBEchecks rating* goddammit its T.
Dragonmorph chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
I'll be darned. As someone who works in fast food, I can somewhat relate to this. I wish I could think of a lot of fancy things to compliment this fic, but unfortunately I'm lazy and also hungry for chicken now.

It's a long chapter, but it was definitely one that didn't leave that feeling where I wonder if it would be completed at some point in my short life. It fulfills my daily dose of Vocaloid fanfics, and my newfound love for Negitoro only intensified.

Aaaa, I don't know how to end this other than to say I really enjoyed this? Thank you for this masterpiece.