Reviews for Another Path
pastabilitiesareendless chapter 15 . 3/17
update plz
Aizen Sosuke-Sama chapter 15 . 12/30/2019
Hope a new chapter is going to be released soon
Guest chapter 2 . 12/15/2019
Go fucking kill your self you fucking retarded ass bitch and take this absolute steaming pile of fucking bull shit with you
Emily Marie Wright chapter 15 . 8/12/2018
Add more please
Littel-Springroll chapter 15 . 5/26/2018
AHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLlloooo again, author! Been a while? I was the person with literally the long a** review on your earlier chapters in the body swap stuff. If you remember? I'm blaming myself for the fact that I haven't been on the Fanfic for a WHILLLEEE.
Anyways, like the new chapters I've caught up on. I would be voted for Kaman to get captured if I was here for it. Also, KANAN NOOOOOO DON'T GET CHAINED TOOO! D: Ezra seems to be getting a bit too cozy to the Empire for my liking. It works tho. But still like, "Ezra, STOP THINKING LIKE THAT IT'S UNHEALTHY & THESE PPL ARE TRYING SO HARDD TO HELP YOU." That 'Ezra being tricked imto chaining himself' thing is curious & intresting. Imagine a scene where Ezra actually IS brought into Kanan's interrogation by the Inquisitor & is forced to make some sort of a choice (idk what kind feel free). Just a thought.
You gotta remember, though, that the ghost crew still BARELY KNOW HIMM. Like, i sort of do want more of an explination on why Kanan is determind to go SO FAR like Ezra thinks a bit. & maybe try & bring the ghost crew members into the story a bit more...? Y'know?
Also, maybe some Ezra injury (weather critical or not) angst if they try to actually break out...? Idk I have a weird thing for that. Is that weird...?
That was just some random thoughts (& suggests? [Srry couldnt resist]) on what I've missed ig. I'm glad at least this story isn't dead, as many rlly good stories I'd read in the past usually say they'll be uncontinued after not being updated in a while or say they've lost the interest. :(
If anything ive mentuoned is used, pls say i inspired you for it a bit. Good to be back ig. & with another long review again at that!
Willofhounds chapter 15 . 10/22/2017
Update soon. So few fanfictions like both of these.
starloverrebel chapter 15 . 4/17/2017
tssk if baldy discoveres that Kallus is after Ezra too hmm hmm wouldn't want to be in his shoes!
so who wants Ezra at the moment:
-all the crazy fangirls
hmm you a popular blueberry
starloverrebel chapter 14 . 4/17/2017
oooooooooooo I want a lothcat!
starloverrebel chapter 12 . 4/17/2017
I think Kanan is gonna be disapointing when he sees Ezra again... hmm hmm
starloverrebel chapter 11 . 4/17/2017
the typical propagenda video, tsssk Kallus I thaught you were smarter!
sorry Kallus forgive me! you are smart and awesome!

ooooo well played Inquisitor, maybe next time you should let them meet in person so they can hug and all!
starloverrebel chapter 7 . 4/17/2017
wow Kanan you are a genious! Nobody would have come up with that plan! uch uch uch
Dark Serpent Cat chapter 15 . 3/3/2017
OK first I want to say this was a really enjoyable fic so far and I hope you will update soon

Second I wanted to ask if there might be pairings and if it could be slash because I am really hoping for an attraction between Kallus and Ezra, I have been dying for a dark Ezra with Kallus/Ezra

If not I can accept it but I thought I would ask

Now I was wondering if Ezra would be meeting the other Inquisitors soon because I would really like to see that
Guest chapter 15 . 2/4/2017
It was strange at first, but it turned out great!
Update Soon Please!
Guest chapter 15 . 2/2/2017
Just started reading this story today and I love it!'
Guest chapter 15 . 2/2/2017
Inquisitor stop messing with the Ghost family!
Leave Space Dad and Space Son alone!
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