Reviews for ReBirth
Guest chapter 12 . 8/4
Great story!
meravina chapter 12 . 7/21
I need more! More smut is also needed do not make me release the killer bunnies lol
Mechine chapter 3 . 4/19
Love this story! Sesshoumaru's story and how he buried himself alive like some forgotten relic made me sad. I'm glad you decided to drag him forth from there.
Naraku creeps me out - he's bad news.
And now Sesshoumaru left Rin! Will he return?
Mechine chapter 1 . 4/19
Just started on this story and absolutely loved the first chapter! Poor Rin to be scared and embarrassed at the same time. Also comic to see Sesshoumaru to lose control and put himself in an embarrassing situation :)
piana chapter 10 . 1/31
Have to leave my chapter 12 review here:
Yessssss finally something to make him really open his eyes and wake up to make the right move on Rin lol, good call for Sango! I like that he also seemed stuck in being a gentleman so to speak but thank goodness that plan pushed him over the edge lol. Can't wait to read what Kagome and mainly Inuyasha will say once finding out Sesshomaru and Rin mated without a ceremony LOL! Making Shippo and Kohaku a couple was a shocker, I'm so used to reading Shippo being with Kilala and Kohaku with Kanna LMBO, it actually fits with this though lol. I look forward to reading more thanks for the update, I feel like Rin still may miraculously end up pregnant.
Innocence and Instinct chapter 12 . 12/28/2019
Omggg you're back! I'm so happy to see this updated.
Taraah36 chapter 12 . 12/25/2019
I am so glad that I stayed up to read this chapter, the lemon was SO WORTH IT and then some.

please, please, please update soon! I'd love more and I want to see everyone's reaction to this new development in our favorite couple's lives. Finally, they are together! I love every bit of it.
Kay chapter 12 . 12/21/2019
You're back! I haven't even read the new chapter yet, just the an, but I was too excited to be patient and read first. Congrats on your published stuff! How can we find you on amazon, same pen name? Not gonna lie, I'm not the greatest fan of amazon, imo it's a shitty company (pay next to no taxes, couldn't care less about their employees) but I'm aware there is no way around them for an author. Anyway, I love your writing and I'd like to support YOU!
rans0medheart chapter 2 . 12/20/2019
Couldn’t post this to ch12 cause it says I already reviewed it:

Finally, thank you! This was worth the wait. This is really special. It’s more than just smut, you portray it skillfully, touchingly. You’re writing about two souls meeting here. Well done:)
lovespirita chapter 12 . 7/12/2019
Please comeback ! I really want those new chapters. Your writing is absolutely wonderful.
annprix1 chapter 12 . 2/20/2019
I am new to your story and just dead read everything in 2 days. Oh my gosh, it is such a great story. I am so sad you lost everything. I was so excited to see some real moves between Rin and Sesshomaru. Let's pray you get your data. Best of lucks!
rans0medheart chapter 12 . 2/20/2019
Thanks for letting us know what’s up! You’re the best! I’m eagerly awaiting more of this fantastic story.
piana chapter 12 . 2/20/2019
Hey thanks for the AN, I know that feeling but that's great the data will be backed up to a USB drive. I'm just happy all your material for all you've worked on isn't gone for good. Excited to hear that you will be returning and that you haven't forgotten about this story! Thanks again and I patiently await your updates.
piana chapter 11 . 2/17/2019
LOL I could picture Sesshomaru slicing Naraku's hand off perfectly! The screaming and all, that was quite hilarious to me and long overdue for Naraku; he knew exactly what he was doing lol. I wonder when will Sesshomaru decide to bring up the talk he had with Naraku to Kagome about her and Rin being the answer to the plague of not reproducing... I think that was a good talk Inuyasha had with Sesshomaru while Rin was sleeping, surprised she didn't wake up, it's almost like they had a true brotherly bonding moment.
I just noticed in this chapter you have Sango and Kagome meeting through Kagome's mom after Rin left for college but in the beginning all 3 met through Sango and Miroku already being friends with Inuyasha and Rin felt like a third wheel. I much enjoy that meeting better it's funny and blends perfectly with the rest of the characters personalities and behaviors you've provided this far... Sesshomaru returning with Naraku's hand and little chat with Sango and Kagome was pretty funny LOL, I really like your Sango! "Heebie Jeebies" LOL!... I will be so happy when both Rin and Sesshomaru break out of their shells and actually communicate more of what they feel and think to the each other. Rin definitely needs to receive some education on the basics of demon mating 101 lol, I feel that will help provide a better understanding between the two. Excited to know the fun parts are around the corner! I look forward to your return and updates, this is a great story!
piana chapter 9 . 2/16/2019
So happy Rin was able to break out of that trance in time enough to fight Naraku off and get away, that could have gone completely wrong in so many outcomes real quick! I was hoping Rin being in heat would drive Sesshomaru to make some kind of move on her, yes! A real kiss, I'll take that for starters LOL! OMG I was waiting for Inuyasha to unravel in laughter the moment that nose crinkled when he entered the apartment lol, would be nice if he emphasized on the meaning of mating more to Rin as well as what being in heat does to your mate.
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