Reviews for Gangreen on Wednesday
howardrhonda828 chapter 5 . 6/9
Swearing is always a funny thing for kids. I remember my first swear. I just heard my mom say it and repeated it at school, none the wiser. Ms. Keane made me mad when she punished the girls for swearing without explaining to them that the words they were using were bad. They even asked her "What did we do?" but she responded, "You know very well what you did." Uh, if they knew, they wouldn't be ASKING sweetheart!

If it's a toddler or something swearing (yes, even babies can swear), then you're usually advised to ignore it.
howardrhonda828 chapter 3 . 6/9
Jack gets it. The Gangreen Gang are kids. And Townsville really DOESN'T distinguish between juvenile crime and adult crimes, since even a five-year-old Princess Morbucks can be sent to prison. I'm sure her rich daddy can bail her out pretty easily every time but that's still rather disconcerting.

And speaking of medical treatment, Grubber seems to have a real bad case of sclerosis that ruins his posture. The green skin might be from some disease or exposure to toxic waste/radiation or something. And I'm sure with no dental care or checkups, the boys have bad teeth/malnutrition, etc.
howardrhonda828 chapter 1 . 6/9
I can actually see Jack Wednesday taking in the boys and straightening them out with his no-nonsense attitude. He's a valiant man, I'll give him that, and the Gang are definitely orphans who need to be off the streets. They need structure and discipline.

Everybody wants to write a thousand reform fics for the Ruffs, but I actually see them being WAY harder to redeem than the gang, who are only gallivanting around Townsville doing bad stuff because they have no guidance.

The Ruffs aren't homeless. The Ruffs don't live in a shack out of a dumpster. The Ruffs don't dig scraps out of the trash just to be able to eat.

Sure, they have evil fathers, but from their debut, they wanted to punch stuff and beat people up for the sport of it. The only one of them who has innocence is Boomer, but even Boomer is still a nasty kid who hurts others.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/20/2019
Can you write more. I am curious whats gonna happen between the gang and the girls also whats in the box.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
I love this story it's great. Too bad it's been abandoned. Did you know Ace is the bassist for the Gorillaz now?
MadnessJones chapter 23 . 5/7/2018
The Powerpuff Girl's house? What the!? Well, it should be interesting to see where this is going. I just discovered this story today, and I the interesting angle you've taken with it so far. I've seen a few fics that tackle "saving" the Gangreen Gang, but this one feels the most natural in my opinion, and you kept everyone in character perfectly. Good work, and hope to see more :)
Guest chapter 23 . 10/10/2017
Can you finish it what happened are they at the girls house are they gonna talk to them or something. I want the boys to talk to the girls and have a happy ending.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
Can you have the gangrene gang talk to the girls about everything and what they have been going through it would help if the boys explained there side and then the girls could apologize but with a little guilt. Whens next chapter.
Guest chapter 23 . 8/12/2017
I would like for jack to mention to the girls how bad a life the boys had and why they acted like they did and became should probably bring up cases like poverty abuse and neglect or maybe they were living in that shack in the dump because it was not safe at home it would make it interesting because it would make the girls see themselves as the villains or bullys and how they treat innocent kids then maybe they can apoligize to the boys and become friends.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
When is there gonna be more to the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Whats in the package .
wfshgeuoweiaqfl chapter 22 . 6/19/2017
Yay, new chapters! I was worried you had given up on this, but I'm soooo happy to see it's still going!
Luigi Lover chapter 23 . 6/18/2017
This story keeps getting better and better, also, oh crap, not the box White House with three windows, that's the home of three very irritating little girls, I don't like the powerpuffs too much, you're doing amazing on this story, my favorite by far! Thank you for making it
Guest chapter 22 . 6/3/2017
Are you gonna be able to write more soon.
Guest chapter 22 . 5/24/2017
Liked how you ended the last chapter the girls need to be punished for what they did also maybe get sovial services and the police of city's villegal on them and the entire town because obviously they are pretty corrupt and the girls just want attention but don't realize what there actions actually do. Maybe you can have a chapter of jack punishing the boys because I'm not sure how he'd be able to do that.
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