Reviews for A New Years Custom
FreeDomsHope chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
Orochimaru, kabuto, and C scenes we're my favorite parts xD Poor Jiraiya
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 8/17/2017
The adventures of the Sannin look like they will be an ongoing tale. Sakura definitely looks to the the one everyone rallies around and protects this time around. It is funny how Orochimaru comes off less creepy than Jiraiya at times and may even be trusted to watch Sakura instead of him. Thanks for sharing!
JUCHKO chapter 1 . 6/23/2017
Yay! I liked this. It made me laugh a number of times...especially: 'He had very colorful language', 'if you meet a suspicious guy...or Jaraiya...kick him where it hurts', and...'Casinos?!' So we now know that Sakura and Kabuto (and possibly Kimimaru) have at least briefly met Hidan. I have a feeling that the first time Sakura and Kabuto are together when they meet Hidan again, the first thing Kabuto is going to do is cover Sakura's ears again.

Well, I look forward to seeing more from you. Keep up the good work!

Zombie Reine chapter 1 . 5/17/2017
I didn't even know this existed until your note! I think it's quite cute seeing how Sakura grew up, and I can't wait for her big brothers to start harassing her suitors hahahaha, please tell me it happens?
nekomichi chapter 1 . 4/25/2017
Hello again~ I enjoyed reading how the Sannin played a role in Sakura's childhood! It was amusing how Sakura got Jiraiya into trouble with the other two Sannin because of her naivety. And how Jiraiya is constantly bullied by them haha! I really hope to see more from The Imperial Princess, whether it be another chapter or another side story!
Acutefatcat chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
Please please don't discontinue your wonderful stories (︿)
FreyjaLilith chapter 1 . 5/7/2016
Hooo. You got a lot of guts posting another fic while Imperial Princess is still stuck at ch 24 with a cliffie WhiteMint-chan. Ugh. Do you know that I'm visiting your profile everyday just to see if there's a new update?!
Buuuut since this had been cute and fluffy and kyaaa af I think we're good.
But please update soon okay?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
So when is Hidan going to make an appearance in The Imperial Princess? Also, that was so adorable, Kimimaro and Kabuto have a sister-complex for Sakura! I really liked this story, and thanks for making it!

P.S. It made my day (_)