Reviews for Blood & Nails
Guest chapter 8 . 3/18/2014
With you?"

"No, with the Queen. Of course with me!
Lol snarky draco
Sumi anzu chapter 2 . 3/18/2014
Woah- what going on?
Luv the premise and mystery aspect of it!
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 28 . 4/19/2011
Well, I have to say this, and I know I won't regret it but Hermione is a Bitch, if I were Harry I would end my friendship with her.
darklydraco chapter 28 . 3/23/2011
Ahh there is entirely too much crazy going on! And I love maniacally-loyal!Harry.
darklydraco chapter 24 . 3/23/2011
Ah this fix is so delightfully gory and I love all the yelling, and now I'm really confused, so I'll probably stay up reading all night again. But who need sleep when there's fanfic?
darklydraco chapter 9 . 3/22/2011
Omg the way you have left the simmering tension of the dead body RIGHT NEXT DOOR is just brilliant!
darklydraco chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
That was an absolutely terrifying beginning! I'm lying in bed reading this on my phone and wishing I'd waited till morning! Great, though. Classic last-moments-of-victims-life opening.
darklydraco chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
That was an absolutely terrifying beginning! I'm lying in bed reading this on my phone and wishing I'd waited till morning! Great, though. Classic last-moments-of-victims-life opening.
unicorntoday chapter 32 . 12/22/2010
Whoa, this is fic is twisted! It was a good ending, but I just didn't believe that Ron would be Mortel. I think someone else would have been more believable. The twist at the end of the story was awesome. I think it was good that it didn't turn out to be Morgan, he's a nice geezer. I didn't really get the chapter when Draco realised what actually happened, it is very confusing, even when I went back to read it. All in all, it is honestly an amazing story, so good work! D
Mona May56 chapter 32 . 9/19/2010
I read this story years ago and it's still one of my favourites in the HP fandom

I love the atmosphere, the murder mystery and the way you portrayed Harry and Drao's relationship. It's too bad the sequel is still a WIP, but I can understand moving on from the fandom. Anyways, thanks for sharing this fanfic with us, I enjoyed reading it very much
Slytherqueen chapter 32 . 6/2/2010
That was a great story! I love how the plot is so original- a rare thing in Drarry fanfiction. xD I read it all in one day... I just couldn't stop! Lol, I'm gonna check out the sequel now. Great job. :)
MistressOfDeathSarena chapter 32 . 1/24/2010
So I don't understand. First you say it's Morgan in the room with Harry, then change it to Ron. The little girl who was released by Mortel grabbed blond hair, not orange so has the killer been polyjuicing? Thirdly, Steel the cat has been in the chapters, same time as Draco and you made Draco's animagus form a black (with a potion) cat with silver eyes. Is there another identical cat they have that somehow disappears near the end or what is the significance? They aren't the same. Did Draco only turn into the cat at the end or were there other times. On another note- I though Hermione was killed by Morgan/ Ron with a nail through the eye, which would have to be a pretty long 3 inch long nail to of even reached her brain, even then not killing her. "She moved" alludes to what? moved in front of the nail trying to pin her hand to the wall? Other than this, good story and looking forward to reading the sequel tomorrow.
Heart.4.Life chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
Wow. You have me very intrigued.

This story is a few years old so it's completed, but I just thought I'd review it because I'm addicted already! :D
smiles.lie chapter 32 . 7/15/2009
God that was brilliant!
Cookies and Ink chapter 32 . 5/3/2009
Great story, thanks so much for writing it! Absolutely love it, loads of twists! :D :D

Abs x
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