Reviews for Days Past: Younger Days
vengarl22 chapter 21 . 6/2/2019
I'm glad to see you're keeping up with the story I look forward to reading new chapters every weekend. The wait is well worth it though.
Munscroft chapter 19 . 5/9/2019
Feels like forever ago that I read Beginning of Days, I had pretty much forgotten about it until I got an email saying this had been updated. Went back and re-read the whole thing and then immediately moved on to this. have been really been enjoying the story so far. keep it up
vengarl22 chapter 19 . 5/7/2019
This chapter is almost like reading a level straight out of a R&C game and its fantastic.
vengarl22 chapter 17 . 4/6/2019
Such an entertaining chapter and I must say your world building is fantastic.
vengarl22 chapter 15 . 3/17/2019
Very good chapter, lots of action and a good twist at the end well done
SJDvor chapter 15 . 3/16/2019
Imagine a comic for your novels! that would be absolutely insane
vengarl22 chapter 14 . 3/14/2019
I really like the foreshadowing going on. Seems like the next chapter is going to be quite interesting.
SJDvor chapter 14 . 3/2/2019
I’m very happy and impressed with how this is coming out. You have a very professional style of writing and I could easily see this becoming an actual book. Maybe the actual legalities of really doing that would be a problem, but I could truly see your stories becoming published someday. Keep it up!
DragonMan2000 chapter 2 . 2/26/2019
I'm so glad this this story is being updated again. I remember reading the previous story as it came out. can't wait to see where this story goes
MyrTech chapter 12 . 2/22/2019
At first the Kor/Sorana direction had me worried about the direction the story and that it would make Sorana into a... well anyways I like how you transformed the situation into an opportunity to develop Kor's backstory and see a side I never really expected. It was still a bit difficult to reed those parts do to my underlying propensity for fremdschämen, I still eagerly await your update later today. I am amazed at how prolific of a writer you are. I struggle to add 1500 words a week to my story especially with my incessant rewriting. Also you mentioned kryptonite since I am assuming superman dos't exist in this universe was that an oversight since krypton while a noble gass can still under rediculously high pressures or possibly other currently unknown processes form solids i.e. Kr(H2)4 could this be some highly dangerous substance(you don't have to answer this one ;). ) While I had noticed some of those aging examples I had naturally dismissed them seeing as in the games ther ar many elderly character though now It makes sense that #1 the lombaxes likely didn't share that tech and #2 other species have different physiology anyway...still makes you wonder about the in game nanotech though. Would I be correct in that Kor's fur folds over slightly as it extends or is sufficiently angled to begin with? Side note I found it interesting how we both tied color changing coats to thermoregulation and emotional states though by different mechanisms. The main species in my book the myroil have quills through which their mostly transparent blood circulates, Different hormones released in response to temperature, emotional state, and with practice conscious will cause proteins in the blood to change shape (structural color) thus among other things regulate how much light is absorbed thereby warming the blood. System with it's high surface area is also responsible for cooling as sweating isn't a good idea in an arid enviroment. Back to your work, one final note, while it is only possible for a black hole to naturally form from a star more massive than the artificial one with a mass of say 50 billion tons would only put off 100KW of power, be able with minimum be right on the verge of being able to self feed, and last several times longer than the universe is old. about the perfect size for a cafeteria able to use it's excess energy to maintain it's containment possibly with surplus... and may or may not pose that existential risk ;) keep up the good work.
vengarl22 chapter 12 . 2/17/2019
I'm really enjoying the deeper characterization of Kor it makes him feel more like a person instead of just a warrior through and through. Keep up the great work
vengarl22 chapter 11 . 2/10/2019
I saw what you did there with that 4th wall break very well done. I also really like the direction that this arc is heading it's an absolute joy to read. Well anyway I'll be waiting for the next chapter so until then keep up the good work.
MyrTech chapter 11 . 2/10/2019
Finally making an account! I actually read your first story twice First when you were about halfway through writing it till it's completion. Then again about 6 mounts ago. It made me do a double take when I saw this story was in fact active. I thoroughly enjoy the way you write Kaden's character. Also while not perfect, as an engineer/sci-fi writer, I appreciate the amount of actual science in the 'techno-babble' I often found myself questioning things like how (I know no one remembers this detail from your first story) does the singularity Kaden's garbage get's sucked into not either A.) explode in a release of hawking radiation larger than a hydrogen bomb or B.) pose an existential risk to fastoon if it escaped containment. Why is there still aging. How despite Kor's Impressive abilities Is he and all other lombax's for that matter able to react against robots with an immense hive intelligence and laser AKA light speed weaponry. The I realize this a RaC story which you've made believable enough for me to ask such questions. Good Job ;) With all your original gadgets/settings if this wasn't a Sony IP I would strongly encourage you to publish your work it's better than half the sci-fi book I've read. I also love your constant yet subtle reminders that the characters are lombax. P.S. Hope I'm not reading too much into it but when Varin said "you mean clones" I couldn't help but recall Alister's line "And you, my dear boy, look just like you father" Can't wait to see what happen's next.
vengarl22 chapter 10 . 2/5/2019
Another masterfully written chapter. I always find myself anxiously waiting for Saturdays roll around just to read another chapter. I can't get enough of your work it's a true pleasure to read.
Spriggs272 chapter 5 . 12/25/2018
Nice to see you back in action :)
Happy Holidays and I'll look forward to my upcoming Saturdays!
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