Reviews for Storm: Time Jump
iron-parkr chapter 59 . 9/8
Oh. my. GOD. This story is absolutely amazing! I've been reading nonstop for like two days and I just cannot get enough of it! You've had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, always making me second guess my theories with each chapter and each adventure. The foreshadowing throughout the story was just top notch, A, absolutely fantastic! You gave just enough to keep me extremely curious but left out enough that I was never fully satisfied and I HAD to keep reading to find out what was happening and get some answers. You're a literal genius, you are. Incredible! So many little details woven so perfectly together with such an overwhelmingly satisfying pay off at the end, brilliant! I'm relatively new to reading Doctor Who fics (just started watching about a month ago!) but this is definitely going to be one of my all-time favorites! I can't wait to start the sequel! In fact, I'm gonna do it right now! I should be going to bed because I have class early tomorrow but what the heck! Doctor Who is always infinitely more important! Thank you so so much for sharing this fic with us! So excited to see what happens next!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/10/2019
I'm interested to see how 12 reacts to Terry. And 12. How do you intend to fit them in?
shizzlethis1 chapter 60 . 1/16/2019
I loved this book! its exciting and I love the ending! Good cliffhanger for the next one!
NightHunterDeath chapter 47 . 12/23/2018
...who is Lily?
PrincessMagic chapter 60 . 10/8/2018
Absolutely brilliant! Gonna start reading the sequel now! X
Unseen Element chapter 15 . 5/14/2018
Its moment like this that I am grateful that i am not the only person who procrastinates on studying. This is much more fun.
FieryHeart96 chapter 60 . 5/9/2018
I've just finished this for the second time and I'm pretty sure I loved it more than the first time. I absolutely love Terry, and I love how she has original dialogue whereas a lot of the stories I've read have had the OC taking other character's lines.

I can't wait to read the sequel and see how Terry progresses. Honestly, I am trying not to yell at my screen in frustration at just how oblivious Terry is to the Doctor's affections but I also love how you didn't just jump into a relationship between the two. I'm eager to see how River factors into things in the sequel as she is one of my favourite characters.

Your writing style is captivating and well put together. Terry is a strong OC without being cocky or Mary sue-ish. I love the relationship she has with the other characters as well.

This is a rather long comment but I think you deserved to get the praise. Brilliant. A. Absolutely amazing.
kallianeira chapter 59 . 3/28/2018
This was so captivating and intense (I use that word a lot haha) and I loved it! So much! Thank you for this amazing first instalment of this series, it’s been absolutely perfect so far and I can’t wait to see what second Terry will be like! Thank you so much!
kallianeira chapter 58 . 3/28/2018
Okay. Okay... I’ve never been so happy to be wrong! At least I’m hoping I’m wrong... but yay! Thank you for this chapter! I was reading and dreading the end of the chapter but I am so so happy that I read on and I really liked it! Thanks for the chapter! It was so intense!
kallianeira chapter 58 . 3/28/2018
You know I have a new theory.. maybe Terry isn’t the first Terry. Maybe Yana is going to regenerate into another Terry and that Terry at some point goes to a different universe to become this Terry... and maybe the master doesn’t exist and Yana is just Terry. I mean, Terry is also a conventionally male name so... that would fit? Maybe? I just don’t want Terry to be the Master (I couldn’t add this theory to the last chapter since I ran out of reviews for that chapter because of my dumb reactions... so I don’t actually know what happens in this 58th chapter... watch me be totally wrong about it though haha)
kallianeira chapter 57 . 3/28/2018
I mean thanks for the chapters, it’s still fun to read them, but I’m just constantly saying no cause I just really don’t like where this is going...
kallianeira chapter 57 . 3/28/2018
Noooo please noooo
kallianeira chapter 56 . 3/28/2018
I have a really bad feeling... I don’t want her to be the master... I’m probably gonna love anyone she turns out to be as long as it’s not the master...
kallianeira chapter 55 . 3/28/2018
Oh no. Oh no no no. Please don’t let her be the master. Please
kallianeira chapter 54 . 3/28/2018
Aw no, I mean I knew the Doctor was going to be mean to Rose but it was still painful to read... but thanks for the chapter!
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