Reviews for Amber Curse
Guest chapter 39 . 9/24
Seriously, you are one of my favorite fanfic writers of all time! O hope Law wins Nami's trust back soon.
SorrowfulAnjel chapter 2 . 5/22
I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg, Destiny is all. Oh wait, this is around that time? Cuz I can see it kinda and then again the Amber being so important to both and sighs. I love this fic. Seriously fifth time around again.
Maiokoe chapter 39 . 5/7
I am just, in awe? Every chapter is always so thought out, so intricate, and everything snaps together so perfectly? I am just, as always, so impressed and inspired by your writing!
Memorimomo chapter 39 . 5/7
Great chapter as always thank you for the update. :)
LadyCorazon chapter 16 . 4/8
Finishing this chapter i lack the correct words to describe exactly what it made me feel. I can see it all happening before me and almost feel it with the characters. The way you describe the actions and emotions with them is amazing. Kid is true to the Kid we know as much as we can now from canon OP and Nami seems still true to herself, though she has a bit of extra in this story. I still find myself having a hard time leaving the screen because i want to read more even when i know i should be going for a rest. Again thank you for this story and i can not wait to read on.
LadyCorazon chapter 12 . 4/7
I keep finding myself not wanting to stop reading as i progress in the story. The way you build every relationship up and show the people for who they are is amazing. The tension and denial of both Kid and Nami is wonderful. So much humor and even when the story takes a darker turn, there is always something else to take the darker tension away like the humor or excitement. I came late to this story but i know it will be hard to stop reading with each chapter. Thank you for creating this story and making me a sleepless fan.
LadyCorazon chapter 5 . 4/3
Finished this chapter and find myself all worked up to read more and more. I love all the lore in this story and i love all the hints and clues and also the lessons after each chapter. It makes me want to learn only more about these times and uses. I also adore the fact you love Bellemere so much, i always use her as a profile picture though i chose another as a whim. Thank you !
SorrowfulAnjel chapter 38 . 3/25
Beautiful, you do great with working that into Kids personality. This was a beautiful chapter and thank you for updating! Stay Healthy and Safe
mikan chapter 36 . 3/24
I love how this is going.
I'm really behind now, but I love how much I have to catch up with!
Be safe and stay healthy.
MemoriMomo chapter 38 . 3/23
I just wanna say how much I love and appreciate the detail and planning in these chapters. That poem and all of Kid's reactions to anything Nami related gave me life, lol. A lil bit antsy now that Enel's revealed his real thoughts to Nami but blood lusty Kid and a dab of children loving Kid made up for it.
MemoriMomo chapter 37 . 3/1
You have a knack for drama and suspense. I'm so thankful you decided to continue this story. :)
SorrowfulAnjel chapter 1 . 2/26
Oh jeez. There goes my WHOLE day. It's gone, I'm going to be re-reading the whole story because I want to be completely focused on the AWESOME that is the most recent chapter update! Squee! I'm so excited! Welcome back! I can't wait to read the latest update - I just love how you wove this story and I am super excited about the updates again because this reads beautifully and hits the check list of great One Piece stories! Tyvm!
julez1225 chapter 36 . 2/18
It's so great to have you back! I love this story so much and have missed it! Thank you thank you thank you for your hard work and incredible vision!
MemoriMomo chapter 36 . 2/18
So happy you're back and I loved everything about this chapter! Especially the whole section with Kid talking to his sister! I want her to meet Nami now almost as much as I want Kid and Nami reconnected. 3
mikan chapter 36 . 2/17
An update! Wohoo! I am so, so, so excited!
Can't wait to actually read this, though I sadly have to for a few hours. Ahhh!
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