Reviews for I've invented a momentum that'll never slow me down
evanescentdawn chapter 1 . 11/3/2018
This is the best thing! OMG! Tobi and mito as superheroes taunting Hashirama and madara! Yes!

Izuna and Toka joining in would be the best! Lol I can’t stop laughing.
HungryGremlin chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
Alyss Penedo chapter 1 . 12/17/2016
My utter /delight/ at this idea is indescribable.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/8/2016
OnceABlueMoon chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Okay, this might just tbe the cutest thing ever. And Tobirama and Mito as best friends is beyond awesome. AND TOBIRAMA AND MADARA! *Does the fangirl dance*
DimiGex chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
I don't know how I missed this since I've read the other two parts. I laughed out loud several times. This was, as usual, excellent. I love your superhero world. All the names that were suggested. Also, kudos for literary references. It's awesome to see something that outstanding in fanfiction. As usual, can't wait to see what you come up with next!
sunbeam0943 chapter 1 . 7/29/2016
...Can you make a sequel for this? Maybe where Hashirama and Madara find out just who Hellcat and Tempest really are? I think that'd be hilarious!
Loki Rogers chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
Senpai, can you make more MadaTobi story again? And TobiKagami too.. i ship them~ and love your story :D
Angel Fantasy chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
I cross my fingers for a sequel and hope you might even transform this into a multi-chaptered story with plot and smutty TobiMada outcomes, because GOD DARN IT this has too much potential to stay a one-shot. Seriously. Seeing Tempest and Hellcat mess with Sharingan and Shodai on a nightly basis is just... I don't have the words to describe this right now due to excitement overload, but DAMN. I need MOAR of this stuff. Especially a flirt, bold, cocky and darkly seductive Tobirama. Fuck, but Madara is going to be /screwed/ in all sense of the word of you continue this. And I'll be gleefully awaiting to read all the ways Tobirama is going to make him loose his head.

(Not to mention that seeing Toka and Izuna help Tempest and Hellcat along their quest is going to add a new brand of awesome to this AU. Seriously. I really, truly, desperately hope you'll do a lengthy sequel to this story.)
WWMTGIRL chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
I'm having a giggling fit and I've read this ten or twelve times

No pressure, but I am DYING to know what happens next!
Imagination12 chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
I love this universe! Definitely one of my favorite AU's with these characters.
pikachucat chapter 1 . 6/18/2016
Yagura's Sensei chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
This is amusingly good and i hope you decide to continue because i think this is a wonderfull story xD
Kris Senju chapter 1 . 6/3/2016
man they deserve that and damn tobirama.
Alierana chapter 1 . 6/3/2016
After reading this I had to comment. I generally dislike crackfics but I was bored and this looked good. It ended up being way better than I ever could have imagined. I was laughing so hard I cried. It was beautiful. When I finished I had to double check that it said complete because I was sad that it was over. If you ever get bored and felling like adding another chapter just for fun I encourage it. Anyway this fic was wonderful, entertaining, and so so funny.
Great Work.

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