Reviews for I know better
JackTheSpades chapter 28 . 8/24
Well congratulations good Sir, after all this time I had almost given up hope but here we are with an actual Evil Elsa story that is good, has some length to it AND is actually complete.
I applaud your perseverance.

The story was a blast to read. Of course, almost anything around young Elsa was painful to witness but damn it was some fine character building. I love how Elsa's dark side was basically a mix of nature and nurture. She grew up bitter and with hatred towards her parents and kingdom by how they treated her but also has some 'darkness' inside her on her own.
Wanting revenge is understandable but she clearly had a great time murdering and dismembering people left and right. Heck, killing her servant (fiance) straight up left her hot and bothered for some incest action. My point being that you never know how things would have turned out had she been treated differently.
With that in mind I also adore the way you decided to end this story. When it comes to evil main characters you need to have the guts to actually give them "what they deserve" by the end. As such I full agree with Elsa dying instead of getting her happy ever after. Although you could argue with Anna living she technically got her wish.

Basically, I think this is a case study on how to write evil main character (not anti heroes). Start them off sympathetic, were lashing out is more understandable as they are the victim of their story. Escalate the behavior to the point where it arguable exceeds the 'understandable' aspect and, finally, write an ending that isn't clouded by false sympathy because they are the main character.
The movie Falling Down is also a pretty great example.

Fun thing is, I actually had some minor complaints left before the final (non Epilogue) chapter. Yet that one blew them all out of the water. For example, when it comes to revenge I personally prefer the "an eye for an eye" style. So being told that Elsa just killed her father in one-shot left me a bit disappointed on that end. But NO! She actually tortured him to death and just straight up lied to Anna to manipulate her. AND I LOVE IT!
Second would be that Anna was left not knowing/believing the pain Elsa went through but then Hans just clears everything up for her. BEAUTIFUL!

The Epilogue was nice as well. I was a bit concerned that the baby would be revealed to be some magically conceived magic thingy between Anna and Elsa which... truth be told would have somewhat undercut the otherwise serious and realistic tone the story was going for. So her being Hans' kid while influenced by Elsa's magic is a much preferred explanation.

A great story through and through!
love2read20 chapter 17 . 7/3
I love the parallels you drew to Wicked here, it was perfect! I’m so engrossed in this story, I can’t wait to read more!
AZalmega chapter 28 . 12/7/2019
That was a strong shot of expresso. Thanks!
Cybercitizen chapter 28 . 5/3/2018
So... Canon Elsa is Anna's daughter? Interesting. I think she actually is Elsa's kid. This was a dark, but interesting story. Very happy to have read it at last. Keep up the good writing! Hope to read more works from you soon!
Cybercitizen chapter 27 . 5/3/2018
Oh... Fuck...
Cybercitizen chapter 25 . 5/3/2018
O.O my god
Cybercitizen chapter 24 . 5/3/2018
No, please don't kill Elsa, Anna
Cybercitizen chapter 22 . 5/3/2018
Did they just get engaged?
Cybercitizen chapter 20 . 5/3/2018
Honestly, I could totally have seen the actual movie turn out like this
Cybercitizen chapter 18 . 5/3/2018
Timeskip! Wow Elsa really turned bad guy fast, huh? Hope she and Anna see reason
Cybercitizen chapter 17 . 5/3/2018
Oh boy... Shit has gone down
Cybercitizen chapter 16 . 5/3/2018
The plot thickens... Literally
Cybercitizen chapter 12 . 5/2/2018
Now, Elsa is a psychopath... aren't dark AUs fun?
Cybercitizen chapter 11 . 5/2/2018
well, this is taking dark turns
Cybercitizen chapter 10 . 5/2/2018
Oh fuck... Well, at least there's no forced separation or white streak in Anna's hair right? Also, totally called the blonde kid being Kristoff... And Elsa hiding as Anna's prince
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