Reviews for Pasts Are Never Buried
Pleasingjennifer chapter 32 . 7/5
Thank you for A great rap up. It's a nice read !
Pleasingjennifer chapter 24 . 7/3
All threw this chapter i was thinking Plane crash or something bad . I just had a bad feeling but Wow what a turn around !
Pleasingjennifer chapter 18 . 7/3
Christian always go's for the easy the coward way out ! When he can bully someone and take over he will . When he needs to face the music he gives half truths and skirting the whole explication to sound better for him. He only comes true when his back is to the wall !
Pleasingjennifer chapter 17 . 7/3
I know Christian will weaselly his way back in. I hope i am wrong . But giving only half truths to cover your tracks is always bad new. The truth will always come out and you look worse then if you have came up old lies, after the fact and try to repair . The boss is in love but he has not balls ...
Pleasingjennifer chapter 16 . 7/3
I am the biggest fan of Jordan Speith so thank you. How funny !
MajorisAngus chapter 15 . 6/3
Porqué nunca sigue los consejos de su psiquiatra, para que entonces necesita una consulta sino le hace caso. Tenía que decirle la verdad total.
MajorisAngus chapter 9 . 6/3
Al fin entendí el orden cronológico de su vida. Estuvo casada con el diablo por tres años y conoció a Kate al final de su último año de universidad cuando tenía tres meses de embarazo. Ok. Tiene 22 años. Ya todo hace sentido. Gracias.
MajorisAngus chapter 4 . 6/3
Cómo Ana logro un BA en un menos de 2 años?
Michelle Owens chapter 34 . 5/12
Hi i have really enjoyed this story.
Kim972 chapter 33 . 2/9
Thank you
Twinder chapter 33 . 2/6
Great job on this story !
marigold123 chapter 33 . 12/12/2019
I enjoyed the Epi. It was fun seeing how their family is growing. Thank you for writing.
marigold123 chapter 32 . 12/12/2019
I enjoyed your story. Very action packed! Thank you for writing.
ZdSg chapter 22 . 11/25/2019
I love Elliott
Guest chapter 5 . 11/11/2019
"This peaks my curiosity" It's PIQUES.
"He says trying to dissway me" It's DISSUADE.
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