Reviews for Judy's Bad Day
Cody Furlong chapter 2 . 8/4
Unfortunately this is not a very good fiction. It is so far out there I couldn't even get past the second chapter. I would say that this would have to be classed as an AU. Fangmire is completely wrong in this. Fangmire in the movie, and in all of the other stories I have seen, is a female tiger, not a male wolf.
FinalEchelon chapter 5 . 6/25
Needing more!

Guest chapter 5 . 4/23
It’s been three years since the last update. You owe a complete explanation as to why you are just continuing this instead of deleting it and forgetting about like everyone who has followed it has.
Bloodfox22 chapter 5 . 4/25
Fucking hell, but this story pulls you in. This is the good stuff.
seanarthurmachado chapter 2 . 4/24
I got to part of chapter 2...and it's NOT WORTH READING.

Cop drug pushers ? Hatred for Nick Wilde from a "water scam" ?

Bogo who decides everyone on antidepressants is an addict ?

Junkie Judy ?

Combat Engineer chapter 5 . 4/23
Good to see this story get updated.
Rhodium chapter 4 . 3/26
Fangmire has got to know Nick knows just as many shady characters as he does, if not more. Especially considering Big would not take too kindly to this. After Fangmire does whatever he does, and gets nabbed off the street a few days later, I can only imagine it would go a little something like this: watch?vLv30CRlJ5ug
Michaela Rose Cameron chapter 4 . 8/1/2019
This is so messed up but I want more!
Geust chapter 4 . 12/28/2018
Next chapter! Please! I know you haven’t touched this since 2017 but please at least let chapter 5 be the conclusion or several more chapters!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/28/2018
After reading chapter 2, I know where this is heading but I’d like to see where it’s going to lead. Awesome story, despite it has some dark things in it!
VidenTarbent chapter 4 . 12/13/2018
Damn shame this got abandoned. It is really good.
Aeshna Lacrymosa chapter 3 . 11/14/2018
I remember reading the earlier version of this story and then lost it because I forgot the title. I'm reading it again, and while the cynical tone is not my usual cup of tea, I'm learning quite a bit, and I'm fascinated with how you play with the tightly woven strain between all the characters. Pretty good work.
Canned Memes chapter 4 . 11/13/2018
Here i am, going to dignify this hate sink of a fic with a review.

I will just do my dammest to see it deleted, just seems like a thinly veiled troll fic to make a mockery of the two most beloved characters in this fandom.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/21/2018
Fangmire needs to die a slow & painful death
FinalEchelon chapter 4 . 8/3/2017
Awesome update! Glad to see Judy being (painfully) honest with Nick.

And you're right, my hatred of Fangmire is growing at an exponential rate!

Really looking forward to the next update!

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