Reviews for Ride or Die
Grandwrex chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
Im never really sure what to say in a review but i just wanted to let you know i really enjoyed the story :)
DarkAngelDan98 chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
This was a really imaginative one-shot Angel I can't believe you were able to create such an entertaining and detailed story just from two pictures (I really need to find that Laxus twitter pic.) it just goes to show what an amazingly creative mind you have. One thing that I liked about this one-shot is that it focused more on how Mira was slowly but surely falling for Laxus and that he was obviously something special to her but she couldn't quite explain it, that's happened with Laxus a couple of times so it was nice to see that Mira was also falling for Laxus. I'm actually surprised that Laxus was able to control himself seeing Mira in that outfit, with her bangs down and in that position he probably thought that he was dreaming for a second it does sound like one of the many fantasies he most definitely has about Mirajane. You're right about Mira calling Laxus her bitch deserving a story and there's a pretty valid explanation as to why Laxus didn't protest about it...because he knows it's true, he's pretty much always been her bitch in most ways and honestly I'm pretty sure that he enjoys it as well. Loved the story as always Angel keep up the amazing work.
Mira D. Blackjack chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
"I really do like you, Mira. And being with you. Hell, woman, I just rode around for hours on a damn bike and about died just to keep you entertained.".. Awwwwwwwwwwww... That's so Laxus. This is sweet ever. And I got same imagination bout' that picture.. Hehe, and you make it more wonderful.. Good job, angel_chan... As always.. :)