Reviews for Steeplechase
Idk chapter 47 . 10/30/2018
Are you an author you would make a really good one
eyeinthesky chapter 47 . 1/24/2018
checking my profile... YAY! Steeplechase update! WOOT!
nequam-tenshi chapter 46 . 12/29/2017
I'm glad that Sagaru is safe at home but will any future chapters include Black Organization members like Amuro Rei or Miyano Shiho?

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
eyeinthesky chapter 46 . 12/22/2017
I liked the connections between the characters in this chapter. And Hakuba should know that the Nakamori's are nothing but honest.
brenda1810018 chapter 11 . 12/21/2017
"The Wolf of Europe" ... I like
ScarletShad0w chapter 45 . 11/28/2017
Thanks for the new chapter. Seeing this story updated always makes my day.
Poor boys. The conversation between Kaito and his mom feels so awkward, both not really knowing what to say and how much to show their true selves. I mean, how messed up can a relationship be, to make it better by sending away the person you miss. And Saguru probably wouldn't go to a therapist even if he wanted to. He wouln't be able to open up, as his whole existence in this timeline is surrounded by lies. One wrong word and he either would be deemed a nutcase or cause the death of everyone he knows. With that over his head, going to a therapist before everything is cleared up would only make things worse for him by adding to the stress. Though after the fall of the organisation all of the boys should definitely see a therapist.
LadyShadow26 chapter 43 . 10/4/2017
Gah could you be any more amazing?! I swear I keep glowing in each of my reviews now, but honestly I mean each and every word. This story is awesome. Just every part of it.

I really just love the psychology behind this tale. Watching the emotional turmoil as well as character growth is certainly keeping me invested. I digest each chapter like a delicious meal savoring every bit of well pointed dialogue. The character interactions are just perfect and honestly realistic. It tugs at my heartstrings every time. Just...ah.

Poor Hakaito. He is trying so hard...he just has been through so much and is so broken beyond repair at this point. Still Kaito for his part is doing his best to pick up the remaining pieces. Then theres the Superintedent General who wants so much to serve as Hakaitos foster father once more, but of course Kaito knows full well that Hakaito will only have ONE father and he is long gone...

The emotional tension in this story. I honestly have no words left. (Its a good thing I promise you)

I simply cannot stress enough how wonderful the relationship between Kaito/Hakaito is. I especially love all the unspoken dialogue between them. They can practically read eachothers minds.

Unspoken dialogue:
"You're an idiot."

"Well you're an idiot too. Also quite possibly a hypocrite."

They are both stubborn broken mirrored reflections of one another and it is just simply wonderful watching every key interaction between them!
LadyShadow26 chapter 42 . 9/12/2017
Woo another chapter down! Thank you so much for posting this it always brightens my day to see the notication in my inbox! :D

Lies and deception. You know I've pointed it out in a few of my own stories but there is something to be said of the "illusion of truth". Going to get a bit deep here but when lies start becoming reality its very hard to distinguish between what is real and what is not. In effect you can fool so many just by becoming something youre not and then suddenly start believing it yourself. WARNING INCOMING RANT (I promise its relevant just please bear with me)

It kind of applies to a few characters here. Originally (In my stories) I applied it to Toichi who was the original KID. Essentially he fooled most of the world(including originally his own son who followed him like some sort of little duckling) into believing he was just an "ordinary magician"(albeit talented) and house father, but in reality he was also very much Kaitou KID international criminal.

Kaito of course took up this role after finding "the truth" and he too started living a lie. Now its hard to distinguish which is the true him and which is the mask. Though truth be told of the three I'm talking about here, I think he still has the least problems switching back to his "true" self.

Shinichi it's a similar story. He's been at this Conan thing for some time now and really telling the difference between the two is nearly impossible at this point. Often times you will see other fanfics wherein Conan returns to his regular life only to slip up and call Ran "nee-chan" or act somewhat childish. It's ingrained in his system now.

Then you have Hakaito...Oh hakaito...He is by far the worst of the three. He has three "main identies" two of which as stated in a previous chapter he has "discarded", the third of which he almost lost as well. His life is full of lies and deceit so much so that its become mixed beyond recognition. Theres very little sign of the "true" him left.

There is so much pain there as Hakaito falls further and further from his original self. Still most of that focuses on the negative of such a reality. There IS positives too..they just kind of are outweighed by negarives.

Lies can "protect" from hurt both emotional and physical. They also create for a happier (in some cases?) reality.

Toichi lied to protect Kaito from the reprecussions he would have faced (both by putting him in danger of the Syndicates sight and by effecting him emotionally in the fact the father he so cared to and looked up to was actually an international criminal)

Kaito took up said lie himself bearing his fathers burden so he could avenge him amug other things. He lies to Aoko/Nakamori for the same reasons his father lied to him. He knows what it could potentially do to her.

Shinichi lies for somewhat similar reasons though his situation kind of differs from Kaitos because he cant return to who he was at the moment. (similar to Hakaito we will get to him in a moment) If the world (those who dont already) knew who he was he could face serious reprecussions not only for himself, but for those involved with him. Thus in the end its "for the best".

Then you have Hakaito. Again, all kinds of messed up here. Though this gets at the core of what these two stories are about. Hakaito is hiding the biggest secret of all.. He isn't even supposed to exist in this world. He has good reason to feel so anxious about so many knowing his secret because it's such a dire one. It could have ramfications that effect things on a whole different scale. Especially considering the whole "reset" button has already been hit a couple of times.

Okay I digress XD In the end its just unhealthy as you've stated and these poor characters are caught up in the middle of a very serious situation. Hopefully some reprieve is possible for them in the near future (at the very least Kaito who does have the greatest chance of bouncing back after all this) but until then... tortured characters.

On a much more positive note still loving the relationship between Hakaito and Kaito. Their banter is even more entertaining now that Kaito of course knows the truth. I especially loved the card trick bit. Just hilarious gave the characters and this reader a much deserved breather XD

Oh on a side note.. Have I ever mentioned that one song from Magical Palette "It's Showtime"? Its just funny the implications of that song when combined with this AU. (Though to be fair it doesnt entirely fit)

In conclusion: I really enjoyed this chapter and the psychological discussion it raises. You did a brilliant job with the characters thoughts/actions and I just love the way you are so on point with characterization! The plot is progressing slowly but surely and i look forward to the other characters reactions to Hakaitos return!

Apologize for the lengthy comment. Hope it at least brings a smile to your face knowing that this story is thought provoking and entertaining! I will say it a thousand times over. Thank you for your lovely work!

Until next time ;)
LadyShadow26 chapter 41 . 8/30/2017
Ah I love these updates so much3 Thanks for continuing them even when lifes got you preoccupied.

Poor Heiji. Honestly the most "normal" of the group, but the one in pretty much the hardest position BECAUSE hes normal. Being pulled into the fray with all the "crazies" has left him run down and weary and it shows. I really hope he's able to gain some escape from it all. All he want's to do is support his friends, and he can't even hardly do that being forced to "stay safe" in his little cage. (Why do I feel like hes the next one theyre going to have to "rescue"? )

Heh I think this is the first major mention of Agasa all story. LOVE the tie in to him being Kaito's inventor on the side too. (I think its been even more confirmed in the newest issue of Magic Kaito?)The fact that Shinichi has such "faith" in his dear friends abilities is admirable if a little hilarious. Got to love those quirky characters!

Its a bit odd to see Hakaito returning to "normal-mode" now. It really meanss the poor guy has to put the mask back on, and I'm wondering if thats even possible at this point. Hes probably wondering the same thing too to be honest.

Its funny because Kaito/Hakaito almost make two halves of a whole. They are both deeply broken, but together they are better than apart, able to support each other as would be "brothers" (I mean can they technically be called twins even though they are the same person?) Its going to be quite the adjustment period thats for sure!

Well until next chapter. So glad to see the story continuing to move forward!
eyeinthesky chapter 41 . 8/29/2017
Much cuteness. Poor Hattori. Hope he just passes out and so his parents feel a bit more sorry for him (unless that would get him grounded longer). All in all, it seems Shinichi will have the least amount of immediate repercussions. Just has to make up stuff about his "trip".
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2017
I just realise it has forty chapters. I thought it would be shorter after riddle in reverse.
Eyeinthesky chapter 40 . 8/1/2017
I suppose things have to wind down a bit at this point. Kinda sad the boys will be separating.
LadyShadow26 chapter 40 . 7/26/2017
And the chapters continue :D If I haven't said it before thank you so much for taking time out of your busy life schedule to write this story. I know I really do appreciate it and Im sure other readers agree :)

I love how Eisukes thoughts could pretty much sum up the feelings of both you the author and us readers. "It all seems to be so abrupt."(Although is forty chapters and however much time has passed really that abrupt? Eh in some ways yes XD) Its like an unintentional fourth wall break.

Erm Eisukes "oh thats weird" confuses me. Whats he saying? That its weird that he would say what he said previously? I think then you would want to go with "Oh that sounds weird..." but honestly its just a minor thing.

Oh the banter at the end there is just priceless as always. I cannot get enough of Hakaito mocking Kaito for something he very well knows is true about himself. I wonder will this whole experience really bring those two closer together? Also still wondering how Hakaito will go on living in this timeline alongside Kaito. I'm pretty sure Ive mentioned this before but I think that betrays like so many laws of time travel. Ah well whoever said that Kaito didnt like breaking the laws? :P

The naming thing is just funny. I love names in general and these characters are no exception. Gosho has a really strange sense of humor (Although to be fair the english writers certainly know how to name them as well. My favorite is Yusakus english name: Booker which is funny because hes a novelist and an ex-detective so he used to "book 'em") Kaitos of course the son of two famous Kaitous as well as the thief himself. Shinichi's name means "One Truth" as is of course his catch phrase.

Though its funny because Shinichi really has no room to talk in terms of nicknames. "Conan" was probably the least inconspicous name he could think of aside "Sherlock" himself. Yeah he was under pressure, but yeah as stated: people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I mean to be fair Shinichi, Hakaito did a pretty good job choosing a name for himself. Granted "to search"(had to look that one up) is pretty accurate given his story here. Still no one could really connect the two of them offhand unlike a certain mini sleuths choosen name :P

Anyway this chapter was really entertaining. I love all the subtle character interaction. The police here are just a delight. It will be sad to see less of Eisuke now, but one can do from such a distance? Hopefully we will still continue to see insight into the minds of the characters despite his lack of a physical presence (As Eisuke seems to be the best at reading people for some reason. At least at reading their emotional state of mind)

Looking forward to more/the final wrap up of this story. Wondering if Aokos going to actually make an appearance at some point. (As I think youve mentioned her a couple times now) With that said: Onwards! :D
Detective Yoite chapter 40 . 7/26/2017
First of all, I love this story, thank you so much for sharing it with everyone. It's fantastic. :) I told my friend all about it mounths ago and she has asked how it's going several times since then.
Sencond of all, your Kaito/Kaitou joke made me laugh aloud twice. It was suprising and perfectly timed. :)
I hope things get easier for you and thank you and your beta reader again for sharing this!
Eyeinthesky chapter 39 . 6/29/2017
Thank you for the update! Glad to get them whenever I can.
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