Reviews for The Boyfriend Shirt
Dame Mond chapter 4 . 9/29/2016
I'm so glad the fandom's still active and that I found /this/. Good stuff, good shit, all of these chapters are golden and I just had to drop by to say it.

Fucking amazing, man.
YumiCupcakeSprinkles4 chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
I can picture the Kentin scene really well, but I don't know if you think it is good enough for your fanfiction. I really enjoyed reading what you wrote here and I hope you do more! And please do Kentin he is my favorite character...
Guest chapter 3 . 8/16/2016
Can you actually picture the Kentin scene? I can't. Armin I could see it happening- like Candy interrupted his video games and he's super annoyed until he notices what she's wearing. Is there anyone else you can date? Sorry, I got up to like the third episode and decided I wanted to not spend the ones I'd played with Ken, used a replay, ran out of points, ran out of money, gave up and decided to look on youtube.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/16/2016
Why is it that the two things I'm thinking about are the parts where Alexy has changed her alarm (BTW perfect song for Alexy to choose, 'cause he would) and the fact that it's a possibility for Lysander to forget to wear a shirt. I'd have liked to see the bit where she comes out with a Lysander POV but that's just because I like to see the guy get flustered when the girl teases him (I may be a bit of a sadist when it comes to fanfics) and I enjoy it more from his POV...
Come to think of it I like most fanfics better from the guy's POV.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15/2016
Hey, you said you're gonna do one for Armin, what about Alexy? I will read any kind of fanfic, especially this kind, even if it's complete trash- to find something this good makes me happy, even if it is 1:40 right now. Who else will you do? You know, I can't really see a Kentin version of this.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/15/2016
1) Lysander is my favourite so no complaints here.
2) Rosa is my favourite girl and second favourite overall so meh.
3) Um, no! It's Rosa we're talking about here! She so planned this.

Okay, now my actual review. That was amazing. Everyone was perfectly IC [especially Rosa ;-) ] and it was just brilliant. Loved the ending BTW!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
The part when she imagined Rosa telling her what to do was just perfect 'cause that would be what Rosa would have done and we all know it.
Sanjismarshmallow chapter 2 . 6/10/2016
I really love those.
and you are right: rosa is wife material