Reviews for Sleepless nights
corvusdraconis chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
You are definitely the speedy one this season. Do you keep a fire extinguisher around to put our your typing fingers? lol.

SEeing as this is a Fred story, I almost think his wish will come through in the most twisted way possible. Be careful what you wish for.
3cheersforidiots chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Aww this was so cute, Ellen! I loved the part where Fred pretended to have an imaginary friend, who told him that he 'may have possibly discovered Mars', that was kind of hilarious. I also think that you choose a surprisingly good character for the prompt, Fred was actually really fitting for the task, especially with the imagery that surrounded the plot, with the stars and all. And I also liked that bit about Ron's first prank - that was adorable.
Oh, and I'm amazed by how well you can write, even though you had like 3 mins to write this - I won't say it was perfect SPaG-wise, but for a Seeker, it was awesome :)
TheNextFolchart chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
"You might have, possibly, discovered Mars."

I love you.

I love the idea of Ron trying to prank the twins. Poor kid, trying so hard to be cool like his big brothers! And I can totally picture Fred sitting there with his hand-telescope and talking to himself! And his concern about whether the star can feel pain, and reading Percy's textbooks in's so precious. You write baby!Fred so well :)
I know okay chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Queen Bookworm the First chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Love it! This is amazing! You're such a fast writer!
Little.Miss.Xanda chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
this was adorable. I really like tiny Fred :D he's so sweet and cuddly. I wanna snuggle him and never let go. you did amazing here, I think it's a really nice way to introduce the prompt into the story. he was so cute pretending to be a scientist and making a discovery XD really adorable. Awesome job :)
ClaireBear1982 chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Awh, I totally loved this, Ellen. You've done and absolutely amazing job, and I'm so bloody proud of you! :D
Kefalion chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
This was lovely!
It's such a sweet snap shot of a young Fred, it has the prompt in there very well. I just liked how it had such warmth and humour. The twins are clearly pranksters already, though argubly they are more innocent than in later years and it just wills me with warmth.
Great job, Ellen!