Reviews for Undertale: Magic Human
talayamarie1113 chapter 5 . 7/6/2017
Yeah, I'm gonna pretend that instead of boy it says girl ok?
Chocolate Lilac chapter 1 . 6/18/2017
Blandy8521 chapter 57 . 7/6/2016
Eh no problem your life comes before this which is understandable
Meh chapter 1 . 6/23/2016
I'm calling Gary-Stu on this. Your new protagonist is overpowered and overconfident. No one can relate to such characters, you know? I even dislike the very premise: Frisk failed (right), so your Gary-Stu has to fix it. How about nope?

Writing style: There is not even a style. Rushed and not exactly elegant or at least exciting, so one chapter was quite enough for me.

Also, for the love of Asgore, put an OC tag on this, so people who don't like reading about OCs can filter it out from search. There's other main character tags too, so it's only in your best interest, too.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2016
Mary Sue alert!
Colin Phua chapter 53 . 6/19/2016
Thx foryour help. Im happy dat i actually matter. Oh one question ive wondering for a while during the blue orb thing with the sacrifice. Why does the orb refer to Azura as they but the OC character uses female pronouns for Azura?
Colin Phua chapter 49 . 6/11/2016
Good job so far. Say you were inspired by chazonic's dissonant darkness. I feel like he left it incomplete. His OCxOC with Tenebris and Selendis was cute. So if you know him more personally, could you do me this favor and ask him about it?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Would be better if Frisk is the main protagonist :/
But its okay!
Blandy8521 chapter 43 . 6/2/2016
if you want to jump time I think it depends on how you want to end it
Nyanfan chapter 43 . 6/1/2016
Great chapter, i think a time skip would be ok, but not more than a year, i don't want to miss out on anything really... also, excuse me if i'm wrong buy, didn't azura die for the blue orb's help? Again... excuse me if i misunderstood... if i opened up a plot hole, energy got some fabric of time to patch it up, he's my cupcake loving god...
imnotraven16 chapter 41 . 5/29/2016
awesome chapter
Guest chapter 22 . 5/24/2016
This was a great chapter. And I'm going through the same thing. Yet no matter how much I talk to anyone about it. No one understands.
Blandy8521 chapter 39 . 5/23/2016
imnotraven16 chapter 37 . 5/20/2016
last chapter was awesome
Twelvterror47 chapter 22 . 5/17/2016
Hey dude things get better never think of the negative I suffer depression so I know what it's like just know Your nor alone
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