Reviews for The Lonely Hearts Club
wildflower-lovers chapter 4 . 4/11
Okay, so I am *slightly* torn. As a reader, this chapter has me absolutely SEETHING at Lily. Her interaction with Snape makes me feel like she is almost as bad as Snape and Mulciber! (I won't go so far as to say she is AS BAD or WORSE than them, though.)
However, as a writer (or somebody who attempts to be a writer, at least), I actually really enjoy and applaud your choices in Lily's characterization and development! As much as I love Marauder fics, I suppose it had not truly occurred to me before to really evaluate her relationship with Snape and all its potential effects. If you ever choose to come back to this story, I would love to see how everything plays out 3
I like Lydia! I like that you made the choice to integrate Muggle history into Lydia's character and the overall story. I personally feel this makes the story richer in detail and more... "grounded", I suppose the word is? It feels more authentic, at any rate.
I do want to say this - so what if this story is a Sirius x OC romance, so what if it's been done before? It's fanfiction! Also, despite Sirius's long list of character flaws, there just seems to be something so undeniably magnetic about him as a character, isn't there? That, plus the fact that we only got little bits here and there about the Marauders in canon, our imaginations come forward to fill in the blanks! Nothing wrong with that, in my personal opinion!
Again, I would love to see you come back to this story! But I also understand that writing fanfiction cannot take precedence over real-life and bills and all the other sucky things that come with Adulthood. In any case, you have a new follower in me!
May chapter 4 . 2/22
I know this is ancient work by internet standards now, but I just wanted to say how much I loved this little universe regardless! Even though this is only is few chapters, you’ve captured something so authentic in all these characters. All these friendships feel so well established, and I’m a surprisingly huge fan of the angle you took on Lily’s character. I never considered how weird her friendship with Snape would have been in the early Hogwartd years and how that might have affected her relationships with her housemates. Honestly I just really enjoyed these chapters on their own, regardless of where they end up going! Thanks so much for all your amazing writing across the board! Love it all.
BookwormRehab chapter 4 . 7/18/2017
This is fantastic so far! I really love Lydia, and I'm really curious as to why Alice and Frank broke up, poor Alice :( Keep up the good work!
levleokov chapter 4 . 7/15/2017
this is a very good start to the story, please write more when you can :)
Guest chapter 4 . 7/10/2017
Woah. I remember when I first found this story and fell in love with it. I tend to do this thing where I find a great story and obsess over it - compare it to other stories and constantly check to see if it has been updated. It's sad, I know, but this story was too good! Even now as I am reading it, it's amazed me yet again. I hope you pick it up again. But if not, in the mean time, I'll get to reading your Cap fics. Because your writing is just 3
LadyScarlettDixon chapter 4 . 10/24/2016
Please update this i'm loving it! :)
OneWhoReadsTooMuch chapter 4 . 9/10/2016
I gotta say I love that your female characters are strong willed and yet still have flaws! Especially when they don't just fawn over the dashing players like Sirius and James. Also love that Lydia is not bffs with Lily right away. There are flaws in all the characters during that age and it's nice to see them played out.
The.Dragon.Singer chapter 4 . 8/13/2016
Please continue this!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/22/2016
Loved it! Can't believe I finally found a fresh good HP fanfic!
neverfargone chapter 4 . 5/20/2016
I love this story! It's clear to see your research into the time period, and I appreciate how you integrate the political turmoil of the 70s into the wizarding world. It really adds more depth to Lydia and the plot, I think it's a great touch! Such an engaging work, I can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/19/2016
Okay be prepared for a rambling review here!
First of all - the fact that you decided to write this makes me so happy. You're writings a flawless and you manage to add enough original stuff (like the awkward relationship with lily) to make it fresh amongst the sea of Sirius fics! Also I really appreciate both your references to 1970s politics and the time you put into the female friendships. That's a rare thing on this site! Though I don't think I can single out a particular favourite line consider dig unjust read the entirety of your work but the whole thing is magical! I can't wait for an update
HPuni101 chapter 4 . 5/15/2016
Awesome start. Loving Lydia's character. Very interested to keep reading. If you'd like a beta feel free to send me a msg, happy to help. Please update asap. Best wishes.
thebestrevenge chapter 4 . 5/14/2016
Hi! I'm really enjoying this story so far- I was drawn to it at first mainly due to the title, and I really like how every chapter title is a song from the time period. I think it gives a feel for the 70s, something I think a lot of Marauder-era fanfics miss, so I like that.

I also am really liking Lydia! I was glad you said you would try to make her different and I really really like her. I like how she's her own person and she won't put up with Sirius's bs. I like how she's not a typical muggle born OFC I also just like little things about her, like that she wears glasses, and her parents are outspoken professors and that shes smart. It's nice to see a different kind of romantic interest for Sirius.

Something different I also like is Lily's entire storyline. I admit, I was a little peeved at first when Lily and Lydia weren't best friends in chapter 2, bc that's what I'm used to seeing. But actually I like it better, since this way we'll get to see how they become friends. I interested to see what happens after The mudblood incident, which I'm sure you'll include.

So anyway I really like this so far. It's something I wish I'd found when it was complete (if that makes sense lol) because then I wouldn't have to wait for more chapters. But nevertheless, Ill wait for the next chapter and I'm excited for when you update next! :)
Guest chapter 4 . 5/12/2016
PLEASE UPDATE QUICK. I am dying without your writing :'(
theoraekens chapter 4 . 5/12/2016
i absolutely love this fanfiction! and i am very excited for the next chapter.
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