Reviews for There Is No Compromise
thesunwillshineclear chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
That was fantastic! I love minor characters!
Jade chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
I just went through an epic re-read of 'I Jedi' and remembered this fic from when I'd been doing a massive Rogue Squadron/Wedge thing. So I looked it up again and was not disappointed.

Stackpole's inscription has got to be his greatest contribution to the Star Wars universe...well, except for his /other/ stuff on Rogue Squadron...and Wraith Squadron. Somehow, though, "The Empire or Us-There is No Compromise" is a phrase that will go down in history (fictional or not) as one of the most hauntingly heroic things ever etched onto the drippy stone wall of a Massasi temple. :)

I suppose this means that I can't use your terrific title on a fic I was thinking of doing about the inscription, except set afterward the Battle of Yavin. :) Ah, well. Good job.
Lady Lanet chapter 1 . 7/12/2005
Very sad. Very touching. Very...
Yun Daragon chapter 1 . 6/28/2005
Just recently finished re-reading I, Jedi...this is a very nice story you have here. Very...bittersweet, I think the word is.
bombchuman chapter 1 . 9/20/2004
Heh, came across it in a random google scan, wouldn't have found it otherwise... Pretty good. Liked it a lot.
Bum Russian Elvis chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
Cool story. I like it despite the lack of action (Anything with Wedge is sweet). Anyways, well, uh, that's all I've gotta say.. So I'll just quietly slink away... Yeah...
Senth chapter 1 . 8/3/2000
I thought this story realkly touching and inspiring (especially regarding the fact that we know that Jek and Biggs die during the battle) I especially loved the ending! I have read I, Jedi and I could imagine in my head what the three pilots were doing as Corran was looking at the inscription. Great story! Write another one!


-Senth : )
Gryphon chapter 1 . 6/16/2000
I like the last line - seems poetic, somehow.
Candie chapter 1 . 5/24/2000
I liked it! No to be mean but there is just one little thing. The pilots had no time before the Death Star! When the Falcon came the Death Star was one it's tail. (I don't mean to mean) But it was written well. And keep writing!
Liz Skywalker chapter 1 . 4/11/2000
A very cute story. I had always wondered how that inscription was made.