Reviews for The Other Side of Heaven
chris fuller chapter 4 . 4/14/2004
Wow great story! Excellently written! Hope u continue..coz from what i can see, you havn't updated in a while...
CharmedAli chapter 4 . 9/7/2003
nice i like it
Gem chapter 4 . 6/1/2003
This is such a good story! It's excellently written as well. Please continue.

Slayer2003 chapter 3 . 5/20/2003
K hahaha they did have a boy. No thats okay. Did you watch Special Delivery? Wyatt Matthew Halliel or however you spell it. I dont lke the namemelinda. Oh well thats not your problem
Blustarzengel3 chapter 4 . 5/18/2003
HEY GUYS! Absolute thanx for the awesome feedback! I know I haven't written in *three months* but my drama class was getting ready to put on our annual spring musical and I got very distracted. Then there were tests and regents preparatory classes, and well, no time for writing. But school is slowing down a little now, until regents exams begin in June (and then I'll be in the eleventh grade next fall! yay) so I finally found time to sit down and write. I also wrote an X-Men fic, after seeing the movie and now am finally starting to work on chapter 5 (plus many more) of "The Other Side of Heaven". I hope you all continue to read this, cuz I had fun writing it!
zealous-obsession chapter 4 . 2/18/2003
Hey, good story! I only have one slightly bad comment- Don't you think Melinda is getting kind of spoiled? All new parents ahve to learn how to let their baby cry himself/herself to sleep. You haven't really expressed any parental controll over Melinda, and I don't mean control in a bad way. The baby needs to learn at a young age that she is not in control. Just a though. Please consider it.

Love your story!
jessica chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
great chapter! Can't wait till' the next installment. But, just inn case you don't know, Piper gave birth to a boy.
A. Windsor chapter 4 . 2/16/2003
In case u didnt watch the episode, prepare to be pissed...

Anyway, great chapter! Awesome job. It was kinda fluffy but i'm sure it'll tie in eventually. more soon please
kelly chapter 4 . 2/16/2003
very good, continue soon!
kelly chapter 4 . 2/16/2003
very good, continue soon!
A. Windsor chapter 3 . 1/29/2003
hehehehehehe Great chap. i loved Paige's interaction with "Lin"
faye tozer pozer chapter 3 . 1/28/2003
this is gud!
Paigefan chapter 3 . 1/27/2003
please continue, so paige is a natural, to bad piper doesn't have neighbor dan around, he could babysit
P3Halliwell1329 chapter 3 . 1/27/2003
COOL!...more more more!
cierra chapter 3 . 1/27/2003
awww cute chapter lol I wanted it to be a girl too, but I saw it at a site I went to and it's a boy. Oh well, I just want it to be healthy now.
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