Reviews for See the Stars
mystarlight chapter 8 . 7/8/2019
Thranduil's wrath is terrifying! I am disappointed with his love affair. Does he agree with the fact that his wife could do it the same if he was released earlier from the Halls of Mandos?
mystarlight chapter 3 . 7/6/2019
Great you explained why Legolas didn't come with Lorellin. Was she really eaten?
mystarlight chapter 2 . 7/6/2019
Love Thranduil keeping Shadow away by sheer power of will. Can't believe he has some love affairs.
mystarlight chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
Magnificent description of the Halls. Love Thranduil's powers. It is sad to watch as Shadow spreads and warriors are not sure if they return home. Gelmir is alive yay! Love bond between brothers and their sense of humour.
Hawaiichick chapter 8 . 3/9/2017
What a fabulous read. My gosh was a talented writer you are! I loved seeing the dynamics of the royal family. I love how much depth you give everyone. The enigmatic way you write Thranduil is so fascinating. It was interesting to see him in a different an attractive male elf with perhaps romantic needs. ;)
PSW chapter 8 . 8/14/2015
Good tie-in to the title and the first chapter... :-)

Do you think that Ithilden - the 'canon' Ithilden, that is - would write a song? I find it an interesting question. Even w all his screen time, we haven't seen a lot of him outside of his military persona (except for those few disastrous courting adventures). I know that's really all he has time for, but he must have likes and dislikes that have nothing to do w the troops. Hmm...
PSW chapter 5 . 8/14/2015
Are those the knives from the movie? (or were they actually mentioned as his weapons in the book? I don't remember.). Those were pretty cool...

One of my favorite parts of the movies was when they had to disarm before entering Theodan's hall, and those three spent about twenty minutes digging out weapons ... :-P
PSW chapter 4 . 8/14/2015
Interesting little bit of backstory - different focus/POV.

I wonder if there's really a spy?

I wonder if Thranduil hears that song on the street somewhere? :-P
PSW chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
Ah, an early one! Lots of description...and I must say, bear-hugging big brother seems like the anti-Ithilden... ;-) But including the song was very Tolkien-esque, and Legolas scowling at lady cousin with Thranduil seems very in character...
HassleCastle chapter 8 . 7/12/2014
I liied it. I love teenager legolas, and it was intresting to see thranduil around a lady friend. Ofcourse I am curious to arraniel's conspirator fellows, buti'm guessingthey might make ana appearance eventually...

This story in particular reminded me a lot of the tv serial merlin. It felt like an episode out of it, especially the conclusion. And legolas in the glades... that is an intresting idea indeed. It is giid yo see baby legolas growing up... :-) :-) :-)
Misty-Nala chapter 8 . 4/25/2014
At first I was surprised how your writing style seemed so different from, let's say, Growing Under Shadow. The I noticed this was written all the in 2003. Wow... makes me feel old, that's over a decade ago. But yeah, Legolas got his rebellious phase and it was fun to watch. I always thought that Legolas was a difficult teenager.
Lea1985 chapter 8 . 5/9/2013
great story,
citylights319 chapter 6 . 1/5/2013
Freddie23 chapter 8 . 6/18/2009
oh, i just loved the bit with eilian returning after his mother's death and comforting Legolas. that was so beautiful, taking care of his little brother.

poor legolas experiencing his first kill - that was rough but excellently written.
Faerfaen chapter 1 . 4/18/2007
Hi Daw, just going back and re-reading your stories. I have a question though, did you write all of the song of Ithilden's or just those few lines? I'd love to the entire song :)
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