Reviews for Cut Off and Carrying On
Guest chapter 15 . 4/5
This is so good! It made me laugh so much and I love the references to the show. You describe the characters so well! Keep up the amazing work :)))
abbz1 chapter 15 . 7/21/2019
love slow burns!
cutiek028 chapter 11 . 6/20/2019
I'm liked it up to now but I have to jump ship. Everyone is acting so OOC . Sorry, but at least I got prett far! I've read many other fanfics where I can't make it past Chapter 1.
Nymphadora1236 chapter 14 . 6/12/2019
ah i really love this story! its not too weird and the story makes sense. I burst out laughing here and there ahhh i love it so muucchh especially now that Bob and Eliza got married! the story was well written although i think i prefer chapter 13 as the ending instead of ths epilogue, but i understand why its there with the favor and all. thank you so much for writing this!
DatingNetflix chapter 5 . 4/30/2019
Is it just me or does every single bellarke modern au with Clarke and Octavia as best friends feature O changing Clarke’s ring tone?
LoverGurrl411 chapter 14 . 1/29/2019
whitherwaywill chapter 14 . 11/16/2018
I've enjoyed this multi chapter bellarke better than...well... most of the others i read. Perfect light read.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/19/2018
Lilliangoes chapter 15 . 10/17/2018
I laughed so many times reading this. Thanks for the lols and the feels!
Emi Scaeli chapter 15 . 9/12/2018
I just wanted to say I love all your Bellarke stories
Gingerljf175 chapter 14 . 8/24/2018
Loved this story! You write them so well! 3
p.suku chapter 15 . 11/8/2017
This was so good! I just read the whole thing together and my God! I loved itI've been reading about for your fics and I must say that you are an amazing writerso thank you for writing all these wonderful stories and sharing them with us!
LallaFN chapter 15 . 10/3/2017
I loved this story so much!
Ote chapter 15 . 7/27/2017
That was very very cute and a pleasure to read. Thanks!
Ote chapter 6 . 7/27/2017
This story (and your author's notes) are absolutely adorable! Can't wait to read the rest
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