Reviews for Biting The Dust
Jonathan MicGyver chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
finish it
ElvhenRogue chapter 6 . 12/10/2016
I wish you didn't drop this, I want to know how it goes
I'mVeryAngryIt'sNotButter chapter 3 . 10/24/2016
First off, I really like this story and I hope you continue it.
Second, and I'll try to say this with as much humility as I possibly can, but I think we can both agree that the 'dramatic' event that took place could have been written a lot better. There's a certain art to writing traumatic events such as a rape scene(which is a sentence I didn't think I'd say when I woke this morning). The biggest thing to keep in mind is not to try to describe the event itself, but rather capture how the event made the characters FEEL. The best writer could throw down a few thousand words about this one scene alone without ever using the term 'rape' or 'abuse' or any other inflammatory language. The goal isn't just to sympathize with the character, but to truly be able to put yourself in their lurid situations, to feel the overwhelming dread and trepidation. Simply telling your audience how 'bad' it was will never be nearly as effective as telling them, or rather showing them, the effect it had on the characters involved. Edgar Allen Poe was a genius at using both obscure and simplistic vocabulary to really emphasize the fear and distress his characters would go through, to the point where merely reading a three or four page poem could get your heart racing, even if you didn't understand most of the words. Of course, to write on such a level takes a certain keen sense of tension and atmosphere that can only come from years of studying language and literature, something that could hardly be expected of someone on this website, myself included. Guys like Ray Bradbury, on the other hand, had a way of illustrating intense feelings and events without ever really talking about them at all. He would give a very vague description of the situation, what the expected outcome would be, then almost skip over it entirely to reveal a completely different outcome altogether, usually in the form of another character's reaction. This left the reader to imagine for his or herself what could have taken place to result in such an unexpected conclusion. In fact, even the specifics of his main characters were never really delved into that much. He preferred to wait until the climax of his story to truly deconstruct his characters and show what really 'made them tick,' if you get my meaning. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag(the main character) begins as just an everyday guy in a 'Utopian' society, but over the course of the novel, he quickly learns that things are not what they seem. Instead of outright telling us Montag's disposition on the current age, his ambitions, his morals or anything of the sort, Bradbury let's us interpret those for ourselves by showing us Montag's reactions as he witnesses the transgressions of 'perfect world.' We see how he reacts to the death of people he hardly knows and the loss of a family he's known for years, and the reaction is the complete opposite of what you'd expect. This style of writing thrives on the 'more is less' idea and gives us what could be considered a 'template' for a good story and character, and allows us to fill in the little tiny details for ourselves. This style, oddly enough, isn't so difficult to adopt and conform to your own personal techniques and tastes. Listen, I know this has been a bit of a snore fest, but my point is that I think you and me and a lot of other people on this website (more specifically, this fandom) are very talented writers with awesome ideas, just like this one. I'm in a bit of a creative frenzy while writing this because I'm really, REALLY passionate when it comes to telling engaging and profound stories, and I think that shining up the grammar, vocabulary, and other literary techniques of these works would allow people like myself, who absolutely ADORE being invested in stories and fantastical worlds, to get more involved and supportive of the authors behind them. I'm really sorry if I accidentally went into 'teacher mode' somewhere along the way, but I really love reading this stuff and just want to see it presented in the best way possible. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to later chapters and how this whole thing with Blake will turn out, so keep up the good work. :)
P.S., I keep a window open for an online thesaurus at all times. I check at least twice a paragraph when I write, just so I can have that extra hint of variety.
406671354 chapter 6 . 9/17/2016
Oh , no , I like this story , but if it is your decision , I will respect it QAQ
Lionheart chapter 6 . 9/17/2016
I hate it when people are assholes and it causes someone to quit writing...or delete their story entirely as has happened.

But a Tsundere is: Japanese term for a character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing a warmer side over time

Yes, I copy and pasted that lol
Star chapter 6 . 9/17/2016
For the record a Tsundere is apparently a cold grumpy character who's actually a softie on the inside. Yeah, I didn't know what it meant either until I looked it up after hearing many people talk about it.
Matt Cyr chapter 6 . 9/17/2016
Noooo! Don't cancel Biting the Dust, it was good! I liked it. But at least you had the decency to tell us instead of simply dropping off the face of the earth as so many other great stories do.

(And yes, I see the irony in posting Hogg this when you said people making requests is why you ended it.
KibaPT chapter 6 . 9/16/2016
Stupid ppl and stupid requests I like the way the story is. I just want to throw those bastards into a volcano or black hole.
Edrimus28 chapter 5 . 5/12/2016
The only thing I don't really like about your story is how useless Yang's position in the company seems to be. She gets to do these inspections, but she can't fire a group of rapists while also being able to hospitalise them... Just seems odd. Other than that I really enjoy your story and characterizations. I am also looking forward to Ruby really punking out Weiss.
406671354 chapter 5 . 4/24/2016
Can't wait blake meet yang again !
Now I'm really regret my bad English, I just have a lot want to say !
It must be my favourite story of Bumbleby , and I can say it‘s the best AU !
Can't wait the next chapter XD
Guest chapter 5 . 4/24/2016
I wouldn't worry too much about the whole Blake and Velvet thing. The fact of the matter is, Blake sees the world in black and white. That's always been true of her. You wrote circumstances that divide what's black and what's white in an interesting way, and you shouldn't feel bad for that.

But regarding your second-last paragraph of the author's note, that's fine. I don't expect anybody to know exactly how to write for every single character. But that's why I'm criticizing. Not because I want to put you down, but so that you can know where you can improve, or where you might want to make edits.
Rapter267 chapter 5 . 4/24/2016
Yeah I'm not going to lie, I'm sick of velvet getting: eatin', beheaded, bitten, shot, or stabbed. I understand the plot, but that char extend bothers me. I mean I'm sick of death in general. Sorry I'm following the story but rape and death so close is a bit much. But! You did something that most haven't done. You killed the slimy bugger very early. I like canon torchwick, but not this jerk. If you didn't I would probably be closer to dropping the story than being enthralled.
Qrow's Talon chapter 5 . 4/24/2016
Wait so in this story Neptune is a faunus? Because Blake mentioned his name when she was talking about others that Torchwick could have killed.
AntonSlavik020 chapter 5 . 4/24/2016
I hope Blake doesn't stay in the White Fang long, or at least changes her mind about humanity soon. One of my favorite parts of Blake in the show is her unwillingness to go as far as the White Fang wanted to, so a cold and murderous Blake is too far ooc for me to enjoy. I can stomach it if she'll be like that for 3-4 chapters, but if it's 10, I'm out. Also, I've never accepted AUs as a reason for someone to act ooc. Blake is Blake, as far as I'm concerned. That may seem strict to you, but it's how I view it.
Qrow's Talon chapter 3 . 4/18/2016
Drunk Ruby is adorable.
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