Reviews for Fates and Awakening
RwbyZillaPrime20 chapter 12 . 5/29
To Makonachi: I've read all of Fates and Awakening long ago, and I loved all chapters! Do you plan to make more chapters? If so, could you do that, please?
MadcapErikaSparkle chapter 12 . 12/28/2018
I hope Kana comes soon. Hopefully, he'll be the one who remembered who his parents are.
Allstarall chapter 5 . 8/30/2018
... so many leaps. What’s with that drama?
At least the grammar is good?...
Allstarall chapter 2 . 8/30/2018
Allstarall chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
Ah. That sounded bad. I meant Corrin is the idiot. So impulsive, she is.
Allstarall chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
You idiot
Guest chapter 12 . 12/31/2017
I really love this story. I do hope you continue it. This is an amazing work and is a wonderful idea.
Better Known as Aaliyah chapter 12 . 12/29/2017
I'm enjoying this story so far. It's always interesting to read about the Awakening characters and the Fates characters combining forces. You're doing a good job of telling the story.

There are just a few things I don't really like, but they aren't big don't worry. I do feel that maybe a sibling or two should have stayed behind. It's understandable that there is peace between all three countries, and yes Azura stayed behind, but she can't run all three countries at once. I don't know, I feel that all of them leaving their homes behind might not have been a very smart choice. Also, it seems as though the currenty storyline is the exact same as the Awakening one, down to the exact same lines. The only difference is that the Fates characters are there. Try to get away from that. Throw in some extra dialogue here and there, or maybe more description? I don't know haha.

I'm already liking the idea of Corrin x Robin. I thought it was going to be a Chrom x Corrin kind of thing, but it seems that isn't the case. Question, will Corrin ever reveal to the Sheperds that she's actually the daughter of Anankos? She has to know that while she's a dragon, it's most certainly not the same as Nowi's ability to turn into one. Also, I wonder why Laslow, Selena and Odin don't remember their time as retainers to Xander, Camilla and Leo? I'd love to find that out. That is if you update the story soon? Please?
YueTian chapter 1 . 11/27/2017
I really like how things are going so far. I wonder where the retainers are though... Please tell me there'll be more chapters! X)
CoronaCrown chapter 12 . 4/24/2017
I'm half-expecting Kana to show up and have him recognize Robin as his dad and Morgan as his sister omg
hernobleness chapter 12 . 8/9/2016
I read this all in one night :) I love it! This is a very well thought out story, and you do a great job of keeping everyone in character as well as imagining their relationships with one another.

I ship Robin and Corrin honest to god XD I didn't think I would but you've written it very well. I've avoided Corrin x Xander so far, cause I feel like he's just such a great big brother... Romance would be weird imo XD But the scene in the last chapter wasn't bad. It was very heartwarming actually.

I like that you're keeping shipping out of the children's lives though. That always kind of makes it hard for me to read when I don't like the pair ups.
*cough* Frederick is Inigo's perfect father tho *cough*

Desperately hoping there's more to come :D and btw your English is actually very good, especially considering you're writing for characters who a lot of the time speak a bit archaically. I didn't know you weren't a native speaker until reading one of the reviews XD must have missed that A/N.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 12 . 6/22/2016
Good chapter. Ooh boy. Wait until they go to Demon's Ingle. Corrin will DEFINITELY have to wear something for her feet there! Lol. This was a good chapter. I enjoyed the small moment between Xander and Corrin. Very emotional!

As for Takumi and Noire? I enjoyed that too. But poor Takumi doesn't know what he's doing going up against Tharja's curses. Oy vey. Keep this up and update again soon.
Pikachu Angel the 1st chapter 11 . 5/25/2016
I enjoy this story a lot! I look forward to more chapters!
PK-chan12 chapter 11 . 5/12/2016
Overall this story has been well written. I don't know why you said your English isn't all that good because it is very good from what I have read. I really found the idea of Corrin going to Ylisse an exciting one, especially when the Fates characters entered the fray. Exciting! :D

Pssst...will there be romance? I am a sucker for romance, though understand if there will not be since I see Adventure as solely listed for the story. But...if there will be I am wondering if it is between Robin and Corrin as their relationship blossoms.

I chuckled when Tharja made her entrance. Of course she would want both Corrin and Robin! xD

Aww, it was a little sad that the trio don't remember their time in Nohr. But, then this gives them a fresh start to get to know the Nohrian royals all over again.

Interesting point about Corrin's aging process. To be honest I haven't though about it for my story...opps! xD

I can understand your take on the pairings for awakening. It can be time consuming and so far works with having the father identities hidden for now. That way if you desire you can revisit it later which is a good plan. :3

If you would like some constructive critiques, may I suggest adding more description into your story telling. Description such as tastes, smells, color, temperature, and more emotion. While your chapters have a good flow overall, it sometimes feel a little rushed at points. I think adding more description with not only help the pacing, but give your story depth as the reader can really piece together the environment your characters are in and emotionally connect with the characters too. Of course this is just my opinion, but I hope it was helpful :3

I look forward to reading how this will unfold! It has been a nice nostalgia to read through the adventures of Awakening again with the added bonus of Fates characters! :D

Cheers ~ PK-chan
Zero kami no mu chapter 11 . 5/10/2016
nice story is Robin and Corrin going to be paired together
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