Reviews for Daddy
creativebug1988 chapter 25 . 10/7/2017
It was awesome how Chris came to Jesse's defense in this chapter. Carole was being really unfair. Jesse is the one who has helped Rachel raise Chris and is his father in every way except by blood. I though it was a really good idea for Jesse to take Chris to the park to get away from the toxicity and have a talk, undisturbed, about what happened at the house. Their relationship is so sweet.
Guest chapter 25 . 9/14/2017
What would have happened had Jesse chosen Rachel over his team that funk
C chapter 25 . 8/30/2017
Hi plz don't forget about this story bc I love it. Love all the moments you're writing from this beautiful future your created for st berry and I also want a million more to read :)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
This story is amazing really. Just amazing
Ms.allea chapter 25 . 7/9/2017
Carol should start acting like an adult: she cannot be mad at Jesse and try to take Chris away from him because her deceased son didn't like Jesse when he was a teenager. She is going to lose Chris if she keeps doing that.
lexi427 chapter 25 . 7/8/2017
loved it! thanks for updating
lexi427 chapter 24 . 7/2/2017
oh my god can't even begin to describe how much I enjoyed reading this. In fact it maybe be my favorite fanfic from glee. I really want to see the scene with chris and jesse's fight, rachel and jesse's fight, jesse asking chris if he wants to be adopted, and i would like to see more carol maybe a one shot where chris stands up for jesse. Im sorry if that sounds like a lot of requests because I'm sure you have your own plan and i wouldn't be offended at all if you did include any of those one shots its just i really enjoy this story line and i think its absolutely incredible. i was so user when i read this chapter because it meant there was no more for me to read. Love this thank you for writing it
creativebug1988 chapter 24 . 6/4/2017
I always like when Jesse admits to being nervous because it shows he can be vulnerable. It was nice that Jesse's dad reassured him that Rachel would be nothing but happy marrying him. I enjoyed the parallel.
creativebug1988 chapter 23 . 6/4/2017
I enjoyed how you continued the plot of the last chapter in this chapter. I love how excited Chris gets when Jesse plays piano. I also thought Rachel's and Chris's gifts for Jesse were really sweet. I'd get emotional over something like that, too. There's so much love in this little family.
creativebug1988 chapter 22 . 6/4/2017
Aww, I really liked the Father's Day theme of this chapter. There was just a bit of angst, but it showed how much Jesse means to Rachel.
Gwennie49 chapter 24 . 5/29/2017
I hope you aren't done with updating, you write so full of love about this family and the one who got lost.
Gwennie49 chapter 4 . 5/29/2017
I'm so in love already with these 4 chapters and still so much left to read, thank you so much for them.
I am very glad you are writing so lovely about Finn and i can't imagine that people write reviews that Jesse can't be the 'step'dad for Finn's baby. You are doing a great job with writing lovely stories and holding Finn's memorie alive.
Ms.allea chapter 23 . 4/26/2017
so sweet
Ms.allea chapter 22 . 3/15/2017
Jesse has really saved her and she knows it
KMFinchel chapter 22 . 2/23/2017
Awww great update!
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