Reviews for I Know It Will Take Some Time, But This Might End Up Like It Should
lipamo chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
much better than the real series script
hbarker chapter 1 . 4/29/2016
Very nice...and I like pancakes.
MonkeyPajamas chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
Such a great glimpse into the mind of Kurt Weller.
And then Jane's there, but Kurt's not and Sarah is and...

That was such a perfect interaction. Love that scene where Kurt wants her to stay and gets all fumbled, but just needs tonight.

Can they have pancakes together on the show? It seems to solve their problems.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
I like it! I love how their instincts always draw them to one another.
Elislin chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
the.eye.does.not.SEE chapter 1 . 3/18/2016
Ah, man, I just loved this! (As I usually do with your stuff.) There's kind of a bit of rambling below, please forgive the randomness. :)

“Nights like this remind him of Allison for some reason, on long work days, when he would drown himself for days on a case, forgetting sometimes to even drink or eat, she would force him out and drag him into the streets, with no other purpose but to remind him of… everything else.”
Wow. What a fantastic line. I love imagining his and Allie's relationship (past and present) and I've always liked the directions you've taken it in. I know they might not've been the best boyfriend/girlfriend couple, but I think they make great partners and awesome friends. Allison clearly cares a lot about him, and about his well-being, and I think that shone through a lot, just in this one sentence, this image.

“She thinks if she runs hard enough, runs fast enough, the pain will overcome everything else.”
I love that line, and I think it holds true not just for Jane, but for Kurt too, and Oscar probably. It can probably apply to every character in this show: If you work hard enough at your end goal, everything else will fall into line (or so you tell yourself).

Ha! I loved that Jane picked her way into Kurt’s building.

I have to say, I loved, loved, loved seeing Sarah perspective in this. So good to get a clear eye on how crazy Kurt is being, especially from someone who's been living with it for years and years.

I really liked the way you had Kurt rationalize wanting to stay. Of course Jane assumes he’s asking her to hang behind for romantic reasons, and I really like the moment where Kurt says all he wants is to know that the people he cares about are safe.

Aww! Lil Sawyer! And Kurt telling him that telling the truth is always the right thing…! That little exchange was great.

The whole “You and me” conversation. I love when you make things both logical and adorable. Gives me hope for this insane fandom.

Sorry for the rambles! Thank you for the story! :)
imalittleredtorv chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
well i am dead. this is perfect
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
Oh my god so good! I loved how you ended with the similarity to the pilot ending! So awesome! Loved it!
Bendemption chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
Oh, how I would loved to see that on the show. Great work here !