Reviews for Explanations : The Third Variation
Thanangst chapter 4 . 3/26/2016
Yes. YES. More, please! Of course!
TheWaysofaClot chapter 4 . 3/18/2016
I absolutely loved this fic and the 5 that went before! I love the way you write and have been eagerly waiting for this update, I hope you write more because I will definitely be ready to read them! Thanks for the update :)
Paula Rushing chapter 4 . 3/18/2016
I have my doubts that Sherlock went to his room sleep its unlikely
and I believe he would have said anything to get away from the hospital Sherlock is an addict he cannot stop himself from doing drugs he needs the help of professionals and he should be in rehab, because John is too close to the situation and it will be overwhelming for him he knows nothing about how addicts are and Sherlock agreeing to about all John asked him to do ha ! like that will ever really happen I wish it could be so easy,but it will be anything but easy for either of them. Great chapter once again please do write more ! :).
hatondog chapter 4 . 3/19/2016
This has been terrific. I'm glad you chose this variation and would like to see more, especially around the idea that Sherlock was using because he was leaving-but was disappointed to return. I've always assumed that he was using because he would never return. Your version hints at something darker I'd love to see you explore further.
AnHoTh chapter 4 . 3/18/2016
I feel like just writing more, more, more about a thousand times! Could I have some more excellent story, please?
Astrido chapter 4 . 3/18/2016
nice ending, though if you don't have anything else on your plate you could go on with this_
Wynsom chapter 3 . 3/18/2016
Perfect pitch in tone and dialogue between a troublesome patient and a patient doctor, especially if their names are Sherlock and John.
Wynsom chapter 2 . 3/17/2016
The poignancy of Sherlock's desperate state is balanced by the brilliance of John's cool thinking. But I especially admire how well your writing blends fiction with facts to make your story authentic.

Of course, what John cannot seem to diagnose is what is ailing Sherlock's heart. Can't wait to read more!
Astrido chapter 3 . 3/17/2016
hehe, sherlock in full speed already again.
i was hoping a little bit for him to fall flat on his face when he got up with the way he was on the plane.
is this going to go into detail about the drugs or the fight against moriarty?
paula.a.rushing chapter 3 . 3/17/2016
I think Sherlock is in deep denial about the drug problem and about his feeling he does have feelings he just is afraid of getting hurt he must have never known what true friendship is the poor guy id hurting from his time away fighting Moriarty's network and his torture over there and now he is having to accept John being with Mary and them having a family etc .I think all of this is getting to Sherlock and breaking him and if John doesnt see that and find a way to help him it could be too late one day for Sherlock to get the help he really needs and that would be so sad Sherlock deserves better and so does John. :(
paula.a.rushing chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
Thank you for continuing this third variation this is great ! and yes Johns instincts are right on Sherlock wanted to die if John left him he cannot live without his best friend he desperately needs his help right now even if he wont admit it even to himself.
Astrido chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
very nice, i like that you continued this one!
ps. i love all the medical stuff sounding (and being?) accurate and specific.
Binglejells chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
Oooooh, that little nagging voice. John's instincts are always on par... Loved it!