Reviews for Blind Date
WiCkEdAvEnGeD chapter 1 . 6/20
I have no words for how cute this is and how happy it makes me reading it, thank you for a wonderfully written story!
Nina of Fairy Tail chapter 2 . 4/29
I want more of this! This is what I call A-DOR-AB-LE! You have converted me to ship Orlu... THIS IS GREAT!
Adonisx chapter 2 . 1/17/2019
I love this pairing. probably my second favorite crackship!
I hope you add more to this story! You've made their relationship so beautiful, you should continue it if you can :)
PrincessOfFT chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
I think that Lucy dated Loke before and Orga dated Millianna before. That is what I’m gonna assume, I mean, who else is a skirt chaser (you know, more than any of the other men in this anime, I mean, lol) and who else is a cat lover?
ErzaD.Law chapter 1 . 5/10/2018
First of all, I absolutely loved this story. You have excellent writing and story telling skills. I love me some OrLu!

Secondly, read your A/N, and totally agree. Honestly I couldn't even finish the manga (I know what happens thanks to Wiki) but I got really tired of Mashima undermining Lucy every chance he got. As a woman, it just pissed me off. It's why I love fanfiction more than the original work now because we make her into a real person who does grow. Lol, my rant over.

Seriously great job though!
gamersweetheart chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
Loved it
CelticHeart13 chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
Can we turn this into a chapter story omg loved it!
J.D. RavenMoore chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
Dude, yes! LaLu BroTP! I've never read Lucy x Orga before, but I really liked this one!
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
I enjoyed this one shot. The Orga x Lucy idea is a new and pretty fresh crack pairing, but I must admit I think you've done a nice job with how they meet. Got to love the swapping bad blind dates to get to know one another portion and Laxus being an overprotective big brother was hilarious. If Orga and Lucy can deal with that, I can see them being able to get along quite well and possibly making a go of the real relationship realm in time. LOL.

You know, when I saw your A/N; I have to agree with you on the Lucy hatred being stupid. Mashima builds Lucy up and then tears her down a lot and it tends to irritate me. People don't hate on Gray for being the girl's fan service, so why do they turn on Lucy who is an interesting character. She's the character with tons of heart and accepts everyone no matter how messed up they may be. So what if she's not a building breaker character. I find the usual suspects of Fairy Tail to be pretty stupid and thoughtless unlike Lucy which is one reason she is among my favorite of the series.

Personally I was glad to find this story because I'm so sick of the Lucy is weak and kicked out of fairy tail trope story lines that I find it difficult to even get to read many stories some weeks. Turning Lucy into all sorts of characters that she's not makes me mad so I can totally relate to your anger on that score.
Mewhee89 chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
AndJrew76 chapter 1 . 3/18/2016
holy crap that was good. I'm gonna check out your other stories now. continue to make wonderful stories and have a good day!
swallowmysoul chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
Oh my god! I read the summary and just had to read such a crack ship! And I loved it! It was so fantastic. I love Lucy and I can't believe she has hates! People are crazy haha! This story was great and I'm going to check out your other stuff now! I loved this story so much!
jj chapter 1 . 3/10/2016
That was amazing
LucyxAnyoneShipper chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
I agree whole heartedly about it pissing me off when people talk crap about Lucy being weak! She has been saving Team Natsu's ass since the beginning. Makarov and the other guildmasters would be dead if not for her magic. Hello...Erigor's wind sphere had them all trapped, even Natsu couldn't break through, Virgo (using Lucy's magic) got them out so they could "save the day," just saying! I could probably list more, but I also have to say I love crack ships with Lucy (look at my screen name), and I love this story!
XxShyxX chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
I enjoyed the story exept the miraxus parts but I love it that OrLu gets support
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