Reviews for A Promise Kept
TPHK chapter 31 . 2/24
After my most recent annual Hobbit & Lord of the Rings marathon I decided that I was sick of Kíli being ripped away from Tauriel too soon and began searching for some fiction to relieve the annoyance of my pet peeve.
Less than 24 hours later I had found and read this work, chapter 31 snuck up on me too quickly (last time I looked at chapter numbers I was only on 23).
This was a pleasure to read, though I am convinced that even when reading Elvish in my head I butcher the pronunciation, many thanks.
TPHK, at your service.
Hibiflower chapter 31 . 1/9
Happy new year, hope this year is the year you update! Still in love with your story.
FandomGee chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
So I realized I have read this story once already and was disappointed that I was just left hanging. I really hope you continue this story and finish it or atleast post the next 2 chapters that you say you have written! I need to know if Kili ever gets her back and learns of his son or if Saruman does something foolish... please, please, please update!
Hibiflower chapter 31 . 9/23/2019
Hopefully everything comes together so that you can update, still in love with the story. Just so excited to see where it all goes, please update:)
Khloe chapter 31 . 6/19/2019
I truly hope you update someday:) Just love this fic! Worth rereading till you update!
Guest chapter 31 . 9/19/2018
Love it! please don't stop now, looking for an update!
Hibiflower chapter 30 . 8/24/2018
Just re-read this story again! hopeful as always that you will update soon, chomping at the bits for an update. Will continue to re-read monthly and leave comments with the hopes that you give us an update! such a great read and great character story lines, love how norithil's personality has shown through and looking forward for when bilbo discovers tauriel's secret. just dying for more!
Faithful Reader chapter 31 . 8/16/2018
I have re-read this story many times over the past year, it seems every time i read it i learn something new or discover something else I truly enjoy about the plot and characters. This is my favorite fan fic and it has never failed to entertain. I hope that you are well and am hopeful that you will continue this story, as it seems to be just amazing to read. Waiting ever on edge with excitement for an update. Just thought I would let you know how much I enjoyed your story and looking forward to what the future brings for characters and the updates.
Rose chapter 31 . 8/11/2018
This story has to be my favorite! I just can't wait for an update. I hope you haven't abandoned it, please continue with it. I especially love that northril has some Kili traits like the "I don't want this I want that". Love it. Plus the evolving dynamics of tauriel and Bilbo. Can't wait to see what happens when he finds out the secret. Also interested in whether tauriel is noldorian. Please update, totally begging you to not give up.
Hibiflower chapter 31 . 8/8/2018
So in love with this story, it has made me cry and smile and feel so connected to the characters. I hope that you will continue this story, from your note at the end of the ch 31, I am so looking forward to more. Please don't stop updating, its been a while it seems but still excited to see what you write next. Looking forward to more!
guest chapter 31 . 8/5/2018
i dont know when you'll update but i hope its soon. i really enjoy this fan fic and cant wait to read more!
khloe chapter 31 . 7/27/2018
Oh please please update! Its killing me to winder what will happen next. The archs the characters are taking right mow are amazing and I just want more. Please please I'm begging you to contiune updates!
Nisi chapter 31 . 7/24/2018
such an enthralling read, please update soon. Been checking daily to see for an update.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/21/2018
My friend showed me this story. It is so moving and greatly written, I hope you continue it please. Its rare that I find and re-read stories, please continue with updates.
Annette chapter 31 . 7/20/2018
Oh my gosh, cliff hanger to a great story. Can't wait to see the dynamics of Bilbo and tauriel evolve. it's been a year and I've been checking hoping for updates. Please please I beg you to continue it.
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