Reviews for Greatest Temptation
Romana973 chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
I usually hate cheating stories, especially when one party is married. But you wrote this in such a way that it almost didn't feel like it was wrong. Well done! ;)
sue1zide chapter 1 . 8/15/2017
I liked how even with the cheating that they were able to make it work. I'm glad it turned out so well.
irelandk chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
twilightobession chapter 1 . 4/3/2017
Another great story. Enjoyed reading this one. Greatjob writing it.
sholtsclaw698 chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
loved it :)
morena.davidson.3 chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
I didn't expect to like Jess in this at all, and at first I didn't. I like how she was able to return to being friends with Edward and that the 4 of them ended up supporting each other in obtaining their happiness. Thanks for sharing. xo
Siriusmunchkin chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
That was a lot of fun. It would also make the basis for a fun story.
Lafemmevegeta chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
Hi WitchyV, longtime no talk. Saw you entered this contest and won with your amazing writing. I could not wait to read this and as was Awesome!
This story was hawt and sexy. Glad to see everyone would have their HEA in this story because everyone thought Jess was a bitch. Oh well, love conquers all, ya da ya da. Perfect as usual my friend. Love and miss your writing.
Take care :)
Sapho99 chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
Awesome is right!
LizziePaige chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
This was one of my favs in the contest and there were so many great entries.

I love that it all worked out in the end for everybody. Usually in the cheating fics somebody is left completely devastated, as in real life, but you tied this up so nicely. I can't help but wonder if Jess and Irina are going to end up being a constant presence in their lives, I'm guessing yes!

Thanks for sharing this plot bunny with us, I'm so glad it "bammed" into such a great story :) xx
abaith chapter 1 . 3/4/2016
Awe... As far as cheatin' goes...I love it !
JasmineAlexis chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
Ok I suck for just now reading this but excellent job my friend! Loved from beginning to end! And it was so hot! My goodness very hot too!
sujari6 chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
Love how they all got what they wanted except for the Stanleys.
CSG chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
Awww... they're gettin' married. Edward, he's a keeper.
TrulyOutrageous chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
Great story :)
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