Reviews for Wintersend
Hayama 4 chapter 27 . 5/18
Ah, of course there's trouble. This is Dragon Age, after all ;D
Also - Herbert! I love it. Poor Anders.
CaptainRocket chapter 27 . 4/29
Well this isn't looking good for our Inquisitor. Hopefully Cullen & the others will find her soon.
Hayama 4 chapter 26 . 4/18
A idea for Anders. Really, in a society with no photography, how is anyone supposed to 100% know anything like that?
Glad Varric finally knows. He's a clever one too, with the deed to the house!
The Wintersend party sounds like fun *cough*... I mean trouble. Yes. So horrible for our lovely characters to face danger for our entertainment :D
CaptainRocket chapter 26 . 4/12
Another great update. Looks like some serious trouble is coming soon.
CaptainRocket chapter 25 . 4/9
Just read this completely through this week. I loved every chapter. I was not expecting Anders to make an appearance when they reached Adamant now Cullen falling into the Fade as well. The Marian/Fenris relationship is wonderful.

Awesome story!
Hayama 4 chapter 25 . 3/4
Cole is so good at helping :') and Fenris is so smart, to see what Cole had planned all along.
This chapter felt like really good closure. I liked Justice in Awakening, so I was sad that he and Anders walked such a dark path. I'm glad to see him released from that now to be reborn.
Hayama 4 chapter 24 . 2/4
Help, Cole! Help! *believes in him*

I'm curious to see what they can do for Anders. His situation is pretty unique.
Marika Haliwell chapter 23 . 1/15
Thankx... Now you will keep us biting our nails lol
Hayama 4 chapter 23 . 1/14
Ah! The Calling! Poor Anders.

I'm glad Fenris and Hawke got to talk about the baby :)
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
Love it alot update soon but take your time with it
Judy chapter 22 . 12/14/2019
Hayama 4 chapter 22 . 12/13/2019
I'm curious how Hawke will react :D
And good job, Fenris, helping our Inquisition couple!
Hayama 4 chapter 4 . 8/3/2017
I love Cullen, and this chapter is just so sweet.
Hollaender chapter 18 . 1/23/2017
Just stopping by to say hello - I'm still here!
Things are hard on me right now and I'd wish I had the energy to post a long, complimenting review after all your chapters, cause they are truly amazing! I'm in awe throughout every sentence ...
Your story gives me the break from my chaos that I'm in very much need of. Thank you once again!
I cannot wait to
Sporksoma chapter 1 . 12/27/2016
I am enjoying this so much! Are you getting it betaed? There are some grammar errors that are pretty consistent (even taking into account the English differences) and a good beta reader could fix those up pronto.

As for the non-grammar parts of the story, like I said, really enjoying! You're a fantastic author with a real gift. Please release the next chapter soon :D
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