Reviews for Interim
Guest chapter 2 . 12/31/2017
Let me take a deep breath first

GOLDNOX PLS CAN U AND YOUR GURL TRODGOR COME BACK AND FEED US WITH YOUR DAMON AND ELENA GOODNESS BC I AND WE ARE DROWNING IN HIS DROUGHT WHICH DOESNT MKR SENSE BUT I MISS YALL SO MUCH AND YOUR WRITING OK PLS PLS PLS FEED ME AND US I MISS IT SO MUCH OK HAPPY NEW YEAR I’m going to go read all the old fics I bought off amazon lol i had to fk Witt my settings so I could buy them since they weren’t available in my country but I figured it out I just miss solid good quality de fics so much
Orchid14 chapter 2 . 5/1/2017
Wow this is gold. You write well. Please continue.
kimminnee chapter 2 . 4/30/2017
I think this Damon having to care for a dog is just,the funniest, cutest thing. Good job
kimminnee chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
Damn with a dog? That's hilarious!
sajen.freyberg chapter 2 . 1/20/2017
I need more. Damon with a dog is hilarious. If they'd given him one on the show season 7 might have been watchable.
sloksingh45 chapter 1 . 10/15/2016
I like it please continue
sloksingh45 chapter 2 . 10/15/2016
Please update
Moonstone369 chapter 2 . 3/29/2016
This was hilarious, sad and great. don't stop :)
Moonstone369 chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
Oh my god, I'm so glad you're writing new fanfics! I love this and I have missed your Damon.
delenadarlings chapter 2 . 3/20/2016
Loved this chapter! You make Damon's interaction with this adorable new sidekick absolute perfection. The painful Elena mentions are easily balanced with humor from Damon/Bonnie and Damon/Stefan conversations. Looking forward to chapter 3!
dearelena chapter 2 . 3/9/2016
Aw I'm already loving Banzai and Damon's relationship, I can see it's going to be a rocky one! Very cute. And ugh Damon's morning fantasy hour ugh it pulled my heartstring. I think that's one thing this story could do very well-express how physically longing for someone has it's benefits and it's crushing downfalls. I was also wondering if the elephant in the room with a K will be brought up in this story. There are pros and cons to both addressing it or ignoring it, the scene just gave me this bad pit in my stomach and sometimes reading Damon's POV on these kinds of things makes me feel better. Of course, it could always make myself or others feel worse so oh well! Anyway, can't wait to read more, this story is making me crave more of the Damon/dog dynamic lol.
love of escapism chapter 2 . 3/8/2016
Great chapter, you can honestly write Damon so well and I find he is quite a complex character to write! I love this dog already, we have a new puppy in the family, so I'm finding this even funnier because right now this is real life for me!

Can't wait to see what happens next :)
Sandraa69 chapter 2 . 3/7/2016
Love this story.

So glad you decided to write another story for us. I have really missed your writing.
Trogdor19 chapter 2 . 3/7/2016
Aww, thank you! I only wrote half a book, though. I'm so excited to finally read this Chapter 2!

I like the start with Damon talking to the dog, because to be honest, I've forgotten so many things that have happened in the last couple of seasons. And AWW I had forgotten about Damon and Elena living above a bar! Such a great future for them.

*happy sigh* I love the way you frame it from Damon's POV, about how Elena fell in love with him all over again and he's like, "That's right, bitches." So awesome!

AHHH! Hurricane Katrina reference! Is that for me? *bats eyelashes* It's great imagery, though it does make me want to hide under the couch because GOOD GOD the horrific stories and statistics I know about that storm now, from all my research? It utterly breaks my heart.

You know, I do question Bonnie's judgement a little, because that dog is going to die in like 10 years, Damon will still have another 60, and things might get ugly.


LOL at turning his asskicking gf into a helpless Disney princess. I'm glad you took that shot at the show creators, because YES THEY DID! How horrible.

The Stefan/Damon dialogue is AMAZING. I missed those boys so much! I mean, the show actually does a decent job with them these days, but I like the hard, snappy way you write Damon, so even when the show slips, you don't. I also giggled like a fool when the dog stuck his head in Damon's pant leg.

ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO at not being able to guess Stefan's gender, and guessing the safeword.

LOLOLOL That was a super mean bait and switch, having Damon wake up to the dog and not Elena.

Good call making the dog's eating remind Damon of Stefan on a bender. Because yeah. Ugh.

HE HEALS THE DOG! AWWWWWWW! So cute! And also it means he could make a vampire dog, so it wouldn't die in 10 years...intriguing!

I love that he called the dog "Noun." I was so hoping he'd be named Noun. But of course it's an 80s movie no one has heard of. Your knowledge of weird movies is truly frightening. I do sort of like that it's the same name as a Bonzai tree, and sort of that "jump on shit" energy the dog definitely has.

Random: you may want to say after which episode this fic starts, if it's not just general Season 7. Because I haven't caught up yet, so God knows what the score is, but I'm confused about where it happens since ELena is alive but Caroline had babies and are Stefan and Caroline still together and Reyna exists so...yeah, I definitely need to catch up a few episodes farther.

It was so cool that Damon dipped into the dog's head, and I love that he was comforted by the dog's lack of memory, even as he sympathized with the pure draw of instinct, following senses, and aggression. I never would have thought of this and it's totally brilliant.

Also, "Grinch heart" so fucking cute.
LOL at Damon using Caroline for bait and "two douche birds in the bush..."

Thank you so much for writing! New Goldnox fanfic is totally my happy place.
bubbl3gum97 chapter 2 . 3/7/2016
I have to ask, any chance Elena will wake up during this story?
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