Reviews for Sin: A Prequel to 'A Future Imperfect'
goddragonking chapter 1 . 2/7/2017
great chapter , love the way this story is going, keep up the excellent work! Keep the good writing and hope for more update soon can't wait to read more:)
BlackCanary3341 chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
I cannot wait for a future imperfect and how differently things will play out
Bloodsong 13T chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
awesome story! and wow, it was longer than i expected. but in a good way.

im glad sin got into training, finally. she could use some. plus, having a team of laurel, thea, and sin would be so kick-ass!

so sin is gonna be in future imperfect, right? because i'm kinda sad she's off the show, now that sara is gone... :/ i liked her.

plus, yay, tommy is alive!

and malcolm... is not a TOTAL asshole, anyway! come on, credit where credit is due. lol!

loved sin's sense of humor, too, and the banter!

annnnnnd... yay, poop coffee...!? LOL!
jayla174 chapter 1 . 3/14/2016
Very nice I have to say I'm definitely curious how Oliver is going to fit in this new world
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2016
Jesus, I'm so excited for the next part of the story! I hope the'll keep Oliver in the dark as long as they can...I can already imagine Felicity being all adorable while trying to lie :)
I really hope you'll have more time to write soon! Can't wait!
Fawkes Devaue chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
I LOVE this. I hated how in the show Sin sort of just disappeared after Sara left. I felt there was much more to her story. You know, I stopped watching Arrow back when Sara died. I don't mind character's dying in stories, death's a part of life and stories often mirror life, but the WAY they killed Sara was just...insulting. I also stopped watching cause I didn't like how certain characters were being portrayed/written, mostly the women on the show (all of which had great potential, but some just kept getting butchered by the writers). However, I LOVE the way you write the story AND the characters. This one-shot with Sin and her growing relationship with the Team is interesting and I look forward to seeing it grow further as well as the development with the other characters. P.S. You never responded to my last reviews nor my PMs. Are you still not getting them or what?
longstreet chapter 1 . 3/7/2016
After reading this story I'm wondering about the little things that Oliver will see when he comes home, like the new gym in the East wing or Thea and sinn training in said gym, little things that I hope are not looked over and touched on in some fashion. The biggest complement I can give is you keep writing and I will be on the edge of my seat waiting to read it.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Just watched "The Flash" promo for Episode 16, which indicates there are no new shows until the last full week of March. It made me realize that if Arrow goes on hiatus until that same week after tomorrow's episode, then the title of Episode 18, "Eleven Fifty-Nine," which might air on April 6th (based on this guess), means that our mystery person in the grave is probably going to die at that exact time. This would then prove that it would be exactly 6 months from the season premiere (October 7th, 2015 to April 6, 2016).
CG chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Sorry about my earlier post. This is what I get for using Microsoft Word first. Anyway, here's a revised version of the prior post.

Revised Personal Expectations for your sequel:

- Quentin being fully committed to his booze-free lifestyle, no matter how bad things get.

- Quentin becoming overprotective of his partner, given his fate in the other timeline.

- The results of the training of Tommy, Thea, and Laurel being used in an actual situation against a major villain or their lackeys.

- Whether or not Oliver will truly commit to killing Malcolm once he learns the truth.

- A new Arrow Cave underneath Verdant whose appearance should be a cross between the two Arrow Caves in canon.

- Oliver’s emotional reactions to his friends and family being in the future, accepting him for who he is, and how Slade had nearly hurt and killed them (all three enough to make even us readers cry).

- Oliver and Thea forced to fight a Deathstroke imposter in the Queen Mansion by themselves (similar to how Oliver and Sara fought Al-Owal in canon). Before this fight, Thea should mistake the imposter as Slade; causing Oliver to react momentarily in shock. The fight should force the Queen siblings to reveal their skills to each other; once the fight is over, then Oliver will begin questioning everyone.

- Oliver being able to forgive his mother for lying about Sandra and Connor.

- Nyssa and Sara coincidentally coming to Starling City on a mission that happens to make them cross paths with one of the viewing party members and showing shock that the person already knows who they are.

- Nyssa being given a secret video message by Future Sara (buried in the flash drive) that warns her about Talia.

- Whether or not Slade will accelerate his plans of revenge and help Isobel escape.

- Quentin volunteering to be liaison between the SCPD and Team Arrow.

- Thea and Rose’s friendship NOT suffering the same fate as Oliver and Slade; allowing Oliver to tell Rose the truth of her father’s fate.

- Shado being brought back to life.

- Thea still being able to get a convertible on her birthday (since she’ll have learned her lesson already); with the car occasionally being joked about as the Arrowmobile.

- Thea’s birthday party being much less wild and strictly drug-free in canon; with the Vertigo-influenced car crash situation being passed on to her former party friends after Thea publicly refuses to use it (when they attempt to secretly bring it to the party and offer it to her) and tosses it in the trash in front of everyone (making her friends and family proud).
Mr. Anyone chapter 1 . 2/22/2016
Freaking awesome, man. Can't wait for AFI! I checked every day to see if you posted this, and I'll admit I wasn't wasn't the least bit disappointed and actually did a fist pump when I saw this up. Hope you manage to write the next part soon. I'll be waiting.
Hanna chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
Thank you
Im really looking forwardnto the next part of this story! I Hope you will find time to write! Have fun at heroes and villians!
The Watcher chapter 1 . 2/17/2016
Very enjoyable, I like waiting for your story's, but enjoy reading them more.
wingster55 chapter 1 . 2/17/2016
Great story...really looking forward to AFI (which I always assumed we would be getting after s4 was finished airing)

Glad to see Thea, Tommy and Laurel are all getting training.
CG chapter 1 . 2/17/2016
Welcome back. I understand that you’ve been kept busy from writing your sequel. Don’t worry about it and take your time. I’m sure us readers will be greatly rewarded for our patience. Anyway, below are my personal expectations for what I hope to see in the sequel:

Personal Fan Expectations for “Future Imperfect” (Not Listed In Any Particular Order):

continuing staying true to his promise to live a booze-free lifestyle, even when things seem to go bad. I’d like to hear what his co-workers think about him drinking more coffee or soda. I also would like to see if he will become overprotective of his partner, given his fate in the other timeline at the hands of Cyrus Gold…

2.A new Arrow Cave underneath Verdant whose appearance symbolizes a multi-person operation. It should look like something in-between what the old and new Arrow Caves looks like in canon. Felicity should also take Malcolm’s advice to heart regarding the security of the place.

whether or not the information regarding Andy Diggle (given to John by Mia) is similar to that in canon. If he is alive in the sequel, I hope that your version of Andy can be redeemed as well.

whether or not Slade will attempt to accelerate his plans for revenge after losing his Mirakuru abilities and if he will help Isabel Rochev escape custody.

’s reaction to the revelation that his friends and family having gone to the future and the fact that Slade was part of the group and had hurt and nearly killed some of them. His reactions should be enough to make us readers shed tears.

’s family and friends reassuring him that he is still a good man no matter what he has done in the five years he has been gone and that his war against the criminals and the corrupt in Starling City does not have to be his to fight alone. Again, it should be done in a way that makes us readers shed tears.

getting herself an Arabic version of her code name in the League of Assassins (because in canon, Oliver DID get an Arabic version of his own code name).

and Nyssa getting sent to Starling City on a mission (by pure coincidence) that ends up making them rescue one of the members of the viewing party (obviously not the Lances) and showing surprise when that character already knows who they are.

getting a message from Future Sara that warns her and Ra’s about Talia’s power-hungry nature.

10.A Deathstroke imposter trained by Slade Wilson himself (for reconnaissance) breaking into the Queen Mansion (similar to what Al-Owal did) and fighting both Oliver and Thea (while they’re both alone), but not before Thea mentions Slade’s name in question (mistaken identity) and Oliver momentarily giving her a shocked look (which she pays no attention to). The fight should force the Queen siblings to reveal each other’s fighting skills. The imposter should have a hidden camera on him, which Thea should easily notice, and then Thea should warn Slade (through the camera) to stay the hell away from her family.

being able to forgive his mother for lying about Sandra and Connor.

result of Tommy’s training, with the personal trainer who was recommended by his father, in an actual situation.

resurrected and restored with the combined help of John Constantine and the use of the Lotus.

result of Thea’s training under Malcolm’s tutelage in an actual situation; including how to escape when her legs and hands are bound.

Waller getting slapped by Thea or Moira for using Oliver as her personal tool and threatening their lives (and mainly because she deserves it).

whether or not Oliver will actually follow through with the intention to kill Malcolm, since the latter said to Laurel that he will NOT stop Oliver from going through with it if and when that time comes. The question is whether Tommy and Thea will actually allow it

17. Slade’s and Isabel’s reaction when their attempt to break Thea (by publicly mentioning Malcolm as her biological father to all of Staring City) fails. They should be even more surprised when Thea laughs it off and reveals that she knew her true parentage MONTHS ago.

friendship between Thea Queen and Rose Wilson hopefully does not suffer the same fate as Oliver and Slade.

volunteering to be a liaison between the SCPD and Team Arrow in order to maintain good relations between the two groups.

still being able to drive a convertible (because I personally feel that she’s learned her lesson well enough to still earn it on her birthday). Maybe a recurring joke about it possibly becoming the Arrowmobile could work too…
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 1 . 2/17/2016
Very interesting job on the one-shot. Will we find out why Thea went through the shower door?
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