Reviews for Puppets
Yvi chapter 1 . 9/21/2017
Some stories don't need many words. I really liked the distance Adrien made by preferring to Chat as a separate person. Also Plagg's unpracticed yet very genuine comfort felt completely natural. Good job!
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 8/24/2017
Plagg comfort your Kitten. Gabriel can NEVER claim to do what you do Plagg. Oh Kitty, yes Adrien holds poor Cat Noir down. That Bug doesn't help that either tho.

The work done here was purrfection. Truly cattastic, I could feel my Kitty, Cat Noir's pain. Adrien needed that freedom he was deprived of so much.
spinnerofdark chapter 1 . 3/24/2017
: )
yoghurt chapter 1 . 3/4/2016
holy shit this is such a good and powerful character study kudos man
SparkyIceblaze135 chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
awww ending made me cry (and it takes a lot to do that) was so adorable
PearlLover2019 chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
Aww the poor boy. I feel ya bro
The last sentence (paragraph?) was really well put. Just wanted to point that out.
Good job and keep writing :)